Rose Quartz – Recovery from Energy or Psychic Assault; Healing the Mother Wound

Dear Ed, I have lately been dissatisfied with descriptions of the energies and effects of crystals and minerals that I’ve found online. I love to hear about them as anyone would love to hear about those special spirits who have helped them from when they were little. So I have felt lonely when I find … Read more

Heartless = Energy Draining; Mind games = Aging and Death

Dear Ed, It’s like this. Heartless = Energy draining Heartless interaction = energy draining Heartless entity = vampire Vampires convert our sexual energy to mental energy. That’s done by presenting something, anything, that seems to be something on the surface but only engages us mentally. To engage we have to convert basic vital energy to … Read more

How to Find and Hold our Natural Frequency; Frequency Stabilizer Herbs, Emotional Fog & Alternate Identities

The importance of one central frequency; How different parts of us start carrying different frequencies; How to find our base natural frequency, How to unite our system into our base frequency; How to maintain our base frequency; Emotional Fog; Frequency Stabilizing Herbs; Alter identities and methods to Remind ourselves of our base frequency incl. urine … Read more

Trauma Miasma and Infectious Diseases

What is a Miasma? How does Trauma spread? What makes us susceptible to catching trauma? What stops the spread of miasmas? How can we protect ourselves from miasmas? Dear Ed, I wish I weren’t an expert on trauma miasmas. I wish I hadn’t found out the way I did, the truth about trauma hormones being … Read more

5 Causes of Long Term Energy Draining

Converting energy; How the body’s energy cycle changes frequencies; Five causes of long term energy draining; Pictures of Morning Glory Dear Ed, Granddad taught me that the basic vital energy in our bodies, that’s stored, that is, not being used in active processes, is sexual energy. If someone is low on sexual energy, it means … Read more

Anxiety Triggered Inflammation – 3 Decisive Ways to Break the Cycle

Dear Ed, Recently, the majority of inflammatory conditions I’ve been noticing have been anxiety triggered. People feel helpless, Ed, when told to “just calm down,” and “Stop being anxious.” Once you’re actually breaking out in inflammations and allergies, and putting on water weight (fluid retention), that’s already the body saying that anxiety that should be … Read more