Energy Field Assault Recovery and Building Resistance with Herbs

Energy Field Assault as a factor in the spread of contagious diseases, How Energy Field Assault is done, Protecting yourself and Recovering from Energy Field Assault , Building Resistance to Consciousness and Psychic Suggestion of Energy Field Patterns Dear Ed, These days a lot of independent research is being done into what exactly causes polarity … Read more

Deep Gut Tension, Energy Blocks in the Core – Herbs for Release

How we develop tension in the deep gut or core of the body; Symptoms of the level of tension here; Breaking out of the cycle of self energy draining; 7 Herbs to release deep gut tension of particular causes, and break the habit of holding the tension in Dear Ed, At a time such as … Read more

Sea Salt and Bio-rhythm Recovery after Shock, Trauma

How the Sea keeps the bio-rhythm of the Earth and therefore us, how Salt carries this vibration and helps us recover from rhythm disruption caused by trauma, shock, vaccination, radiation; How salt aids recovery of BALANCE of minerals in our bodies.  Dear Ed, As a lover of the sea you don’t need to be reminded … Read more

Frailty and Fragility Support – Butterfly Bush – Buddleja

This beautiful flower’s fragrance is most stunning in the night. It’s spicy and sweet and refreshing. When a flower sends out its fragrance at night, you know that it helps in the regenerative functions of the brain and nervous system. That means it helps repair damage to the brain and nerves that we go through … Read more

Can you Regenerate Atrophied Areas of the Body with Herbs?

This week I was asked a question: Is there something that can be done to recover an atrophied optic nerve? Can herbs help? My answer can be applied to all atrophy in the body. Have I actually seen this work? Yes I have. There was a woman who had atrophy in various parts of the … Read more