Tag: Datura

Herbs for Energetic Shocking – Numbness, Necrosis Treatment

What necrosis is; Juggy’s Unusual Necrotic Tissue Healing; The role of the Heart in necrosis; Herbs for Energy Body Shocking and Re-establishment of Life Energy Connections

Dear Ed,

I just saw on Twitter, a photo of a man whose foot went necrotic, that means, “died” after he got the you-know-what-that’s-being-marketed-and-mandated worldwide. But it made me realize that the medical system, and people in general do not know what to do when life itself, life energy withdraws from a part of the body. Continue reading

Comfrey - Symphytum Officinale

Skin Rehabilitation from Emotional & Nervous Blow-out; Long Term Trauma

Herbs for first-aid for the skin after an emotional or nervous blow-out; Electrical and energetic assault on skin; Herbs for rehabilitation of skin cells from long term trauma; How to make your own oil extracts and creams

Dear Ed,

The skin is full of nerve endings. It is a sense organ in its own right, you know. It has nerve endings to sense things like temperature, pressure, and even “sixth sense” events such as energy fields around us; “the hair on my hand rose” for example. Continue reading

Holistic Lucid Dreaming; Datura & Brugmansia; Dissolving Conscious Brain resistance to the Subconscious

How to start lucid dreaming spontaneously without the energy drain and hormonal imbalance; Dissolving the conscious brain’s resistance to the subconscious brain; How upward facing Datura and downward facing Brugmansia help resolve identity crises to remove energy blocks.

Ed, lucid dreaming, or being aware in one’s sleep, with that, “I am dreaming this,” awareness, is something people seek out when they feel they’re unable to come to grips with something in their waking state, when they sense that there’s something happening in their dream state that they’d like to become mentally aware of. For example, a whole lot of people feel attacked or drained in the dream state and want to learn lucid dreaming to defend themselves. Continue reading

Herbs for Paralysis, Palsy caused by Nervous Trauma or Vibrational Attack

A description of how I used a plant poison for first-aid with a heart attack and to save my child Gabriel from paralysis brought on by vaccination; Herbs that work on a frequency level to rehabilitate the nervous system from shock and trauma patterns

Dear Ed,

In the days I was recovering from my severe heart trouble, there were times when I felt another heart attack could come on any time – particularly stressful situations. I knew I had to have first aid ready. That’s when like never before I realized the power of herbs. Until you’re about to die and a herb helps you, in our times, it’s hard to see them as much more than a healthy choice perhaps. Continue reading

The 4 levels of Poison and how to effectively de-toxify

The 4 levels on which poisons work – Blood, Water; Electricity and Consciousness – and how to remove them holistically. 

Dear Ed,

Believe it or not, I first wrote this article in 2013, while at very close quarters to a snake – on the other side of the skinny bedroom wall – in a tiny guesthouse under a cliff that broke rain clouds, so that building was half sunk into the mud because of the constant deluge. I was terrified initially, but there was nowhere else I could go and after about 15 minutes sensing the snake, I began to actually feel calmed by it. I have nothing but loving memories and gratefulness for that encounter. That night in bits and pieces as I dozed this article came to me. Here it is, edited for now. Continue reading

Don’t fear the pain. Migraines – Holistic Treatment

Letter to Ed about my Granddad’s way of treating a chronic migraine, herbs for rehabilitation from migraine, and an exercise to realign the spine for pain relief. 

Ed, a headache or, in its extreme form, called a Migraine, can be caused by so many different reasons – from hormonal extremes, to nervous tension, to dehydration, to liver congestion and even plain stress.

Essentially however, it is a call for immediate help from the energy field. It means that the brain which manages the functions of the body, is stressed, overworked and under-functioning and NO MORE WORK can be done at this time. Continue reading

Thymus – Our Intelligence High Command

Wherein I describe to Ed, the angel that sits on the heart, the Thymus, how it is indispensable at any age, how it manages our response to new and unforeseen situations; the folly of undermining its authority with artificial immunity, the methods that support it, and the herbs that support the revival of natural intelligence in the body and life.

Dear Ed,

In my teens, I often used to help out with sick children – in situations where a parent had to deal with two or three ill children at the same time and so on. Continue reading

Herbs to Release Pent-up Rage

Anger that isn’t released becomes Rage. There are so very many physical conditions that are the result of anger bottled up that I cannot list them here.

There’s a simple rule of thumb. If you’re attracted to this topic, you most probably have pent up rage or someone you care about deeply, who influences you deeply has it.

These herbs have been my friends through the worst times of my life and I present them to you as I got to know them.

This is not a comprehensive list of all they are and do, just what I have been privileged to come to know of. They are living spirits and have different relationships with each person. Continue reading

Secrets of Regeneration – Destiny & Herbs

A bunch of cut daffodils were in a vase on a table. This was the sight that met my Granddad’s eyes as he walked into the house. After decades of not knowing where his children were, if they were even alive, of thinking he had no descendants left, he was walking into a house where his grand daughter Mary, her husband Richard, and their ten year old daughter Anna, lived.

He described to me, the flowers on the table, the pink tablecloth, the white curtains, the grey-green sofas, the russet-brown carpet, the smell of roses in the air from the garden, the books on the side table. Continue reading

Positive and Negative Polarity – Holistic Recovery with Herbs from Radiotherapy and Radiation Damage

A time comes to every person who takes herbs and natural healing when they have to stop depending on herbs and cross over to being independently healthy again. Very few ever cross that line, and their body ends up developing resistance to the very herbs that are their medicine of choice.

Herbs to stimulate healing, detoxification and so on, are of the positive polarity, or solar, heating, pushing, moving. They include all those processes that are outgoing and heat generating and expanding and energy releasing. Cell growth, cell reproduction, regeneration of damaged tissue, they’re all positive or solar processes. Continue reading