A time comes to every person who takes herbs and natural healing when they have to stop depending on herbs and cross over to being independently healthy again. Very few ever cross that line, and their body ends up developing resistance to the very herbs that are their medicine of choice.
Herbs to stimulate healing, detoxification and so on, are of the positive polarity, or solar, heating, pushing, moving. They include all those processes that are outgoing and heat generating and expanding and energy releasing. Cell growth, cell reproduction, regeneration of damaged tissue, they’re all positive or solar processes.
There are herbs that support the negative polarity or the lunar processes of the body, cooling, contracting and energy retaining.
These have to be taken at just the right time, to help bring the body into balance, into neutral, and then lessened to a point where you don’t need anything but your food and your water to keep healthy.
Just as the heart sends out blood to the entire body, so the heart receives blood from the entire body. It’s something that is happening in every part of us all the time.
Radiation is everywhere in our modern lifestyles, even if you don’t actually go through a radiotherapy session. It is experienced in mild ways across Australia, where I was told by a man who installed cable antennas, you won’t be covered by insurance for skin cancer if you don’t wear a hat when working outdoors. Radiation is delivered by microwaves, is in food that is irradiated to prevent it from spoiling, is generated by mobile phones, and any other number of radiation delivery devices.
Now radiation, simply over-stimulates the cells into the positive polarity causing the cell to release its stored energy, with which it was supposed to live long and reproduce into other cells before it died. When it suddenly releases all its stored energy, it burns out and dies, or goes weak.
This kills cells by making them overwork and get over-heated and, just like food gets heated up and if longer, burned, in the microwave.
This is one reason, radiotherapy is part of current medical treatment of cancer. Technically speaking, it should kill off just the bad boy cells and let the good boy cells be. In practical experience however, that is almost never what happens. Usually the good boys and girls end up weak and susceptible now to even more problems, and those far more widespread than before.
One reason herbal medicine for recovery from radiotherapy works so well is because herbs with high levels of natural energy (note: not all herbs are made alike) quickly supply the body with vital energy so the good boys and girls can keep going until they start functioning again and get back to collecting up energy for their life functions.
But this is where the bridge is. Ask anyone into natural living and they’ll tell you that a time comes when the herbs don’t ‘work’ like they did before.
The body balances out everything, even herbs. After a certain crisis has been crossed, the body will start treating the same herb it treated like gold during the crisis, now like any other food, passing out most of it. The body thinks, “I’m getting so much of it regularly, no point storing it around, let’s store the rarer stuff, this one’s always available.”
So that’s what’s happening on this side of the bridge. You can cross over the bridge now, to the other side, where the cells are all making their own energy like before, where the body is well like before, through one simple thing – energy balancing your cells, so they’re no longer in the state the radiation put them in – which was over-stimulated.
The herbs which help the body recover from over-stimulated, support the negative polarity in the body, or the ‘lunar’ processes.
These herbs don’t work aggressively, their whole benefit is that they are NOT aggressive. Many of these herbs have little white or yellow flowers, and grow as weeds. Most of them make you thirsty – think lunar, think moon, think water – because they help detoxify the body through the water networks of the body.
A few of the Negative Polarity or Lunar herbs that come to mind right now are:
Gelsemium or Yellow Jasmine will bring down a fever, calm an over-heated brain in summer, stop a new mother’s hemorrhage.
The lacy Elderflower (Sambucus) will strengthen the nerve endings of the lungs and other organs as well slowly but surely after a violent epileptic, or asthmatic attack, healing damage caused by spasms and cellular over heating.
Rauwolfia Serpentina or Snakeroot with it’s little white flowers calms an over-heated brain in deep ways, supporting better sleep quality and recovery from the damage caused by mental and emotional stress to the brain and nervous system.
Lily of the Valley or Convallaria – another intoxicating addictive beautiful white flower – you definitely ought not to have too much of it, but in tiny medicinal proportions it releases tension from the nerves around the heart, and the uterus. For recovery from a traumatic shock, it does wonders.
Then there’s the crazy amazing Datura or Moonflower not so tiny, but definitely a lunar flower. This one works by heating the system so much, the system fights back cooling itself and demanding water, lots of it. The nerves cramp tight, really tight and then release. Again, only tiny doses, and it’s better applied externally unless you want a psychedelic trip into the moony roots of you.
Bamboo amazingly supports the negative polarity processes of the body and can make a sudden change for the better when combined with any other natural healing because it supports the body in moving energy around.
Whenever you see a little white flower, know that it supports the negative polarity and the lunar parts of the body.
Our lives are so full of over-stimulation and the residual effects of it, that we couldn’t really have too much of the lunar flowers for a long time to come.
Do remember however that the point of all this is to become energy balanced and when all is said and done, we have to keep energy moving. Energy = Feelings. So keeping our feelings moving through us, through the body is essential, that final last step to becoming self sufficient again.
Lantana – Lungs-Liver-Sexual Blocks, Radiation Flu Recovery
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