Guerilla DNA Repair with Herbs and Energy Recalibration

Guerilla DNA Recovery and Regeneration - Book by Caraf Avnayt

Dear Ed, The difference between someone recovering after a drain or severe injury or setback, and someone being debilitated because of that in the long term, leading to what is called “aging” these days, is gene repair. When I was little, I grew up with a lot of bikers in the extended foster family, church, … Read more

Mental Projections of False Body Image and Identity

Dear Ed, A topic very close to my heart, is the effects of trauma on body image. One of the first articles I wrote that was on the internet (unfortunately lost now) was titled “Phantom Body”. I wrote to you about it last year as well: Phantom Energy Body; Upper-Lower Body Disconnection Our mind is … Read more

Soul Memory & Beautiful pictures of Heather

How wild Heather plants remembered my Granddad generation after generation; How Granddad helped me recover after I lost my memory at the age of 8, and BEAUTIFUL pictures of Heather by Eva of Helios Flowers  Ed, back in the day when Granddad was a little boy growing up wild on a remote island of the … Read more

How to Heal the Astral Body for Lasting Holistic Healing

About the energy field, the astral body and the physical body, some examples of the astral body and three easily remembered and done ways to strengthen and heal it.  Dear Ed, This week I saw a rather horrific video on Youtube. It showed ancient temple sculptures in Angkor Wat of Cambodia. There are some unique … Read more

Secrets of Regeneration – Destiny & Herbs

A bunch of cut daffodils were in a vase on a table. This was the sight that met my Granddad’s eyes as he walked into the house. After decades of not knowing where his children were, if they were even alive, of thinking he had no descendants left, he was walking into a house where … Read more

Can you Regenerate Atrophied Areas of the Body with Herbs?

This week I was asked a question: Is there something that can be done to recover an atrophied optic nerve? Can herbs help? My answer can be applied to all atrophy in the body. Have I actually seen this work? Yes I have. There was a woman who had atrophy in various parts of the … Read more

Herbs to relax Heart Muscle Tension and release PTSD patterns

When we go through traumatic episodes one too many times, we learn to hold some parts of us tight, sometimes so tight that those parts of us, let’s say an area of the heart muscle for example, that the place becomes hard, taut, and even develops scar tissue or adhesions over the years. These are … Read more

Intelligent Detox – Herbs that raise body intelligence

If your detoxification programs haven’t been working well enough, and if you have nutritional deficiencies even though you eat healthy enough, you need to remind your body to get back to sifting things properly. The intelligence of herbs is amazing. They are living beings not dead chemicals. When we have whole herbs who have … Read more

Herbs to Demagnetize the Body, to Kick-start Cell Regeneration

When a tree or plant stops growing new roots, it stops making new leaves and branches. It can stay alive for a while and then it will start slowly dying. Root growth is so important that gardeners who grow trees in pots, will break the pots and crop the roots, making space in the pot … Read more