Troublemaker Herbs to Change Life Mood

Dear Ed, Of late I’ve come across more and more people struggling with letting go of what I call “life mood” to be able to move ahead. An example of this is in how when we want to lose weight (for example) we know what we must do, but we don’t or give up at … Read more

Thymus – Our Intelligence High Command

Wherein I describe to Ed, the angel that sits on the heart, the Thymus, how it is indispensable at any age, how it manages our response to new and unforeseen situations; the folly of undermining its authority with artificial immunity, the methods that support it, and the herbs that support the revival of natural intelligence … Read more

“Never been well since” – Interrupted Immunity, Reverse Immune Treatment

This article is about the long term effects of an immune process that is interrupted or left incomplete because of a sudden lack of resources.
I describe the method of ‘Reverse Immune Treatment’ that gives the body the signal that it’s time to do a lymphatic cleanse. I also describe my five favorite herbs for holistic lymphatic rehabilitation.

Herbs to Strengthen the Heart, Build Emotional Resilience

When you strengthen the heart, you strengthen every part of you and find relief from problems that were not responding before. To strengthen a weak or tired heart, on every level, herbs can help. They’re living beings like us. They open our sub-conscious tunnels and caves and cupboards, awaken deep things in us and help … Read more

Holistic Rejuvenation of Heart, Blood and Bone Marrow Function

One of the body’s most common responses to hidden or suppressed trauma is a steady decline in the quality of blood cells being made. This is why people ‘age’ suddenly when they have a tragedy or loss that ‘takes the life’ out of them. This situation can also be caused by actual loss of physical … Read more

Intelligent Detox – Herbs that raise body intelligence

 If your detoxification programs haven’t been working well enough, and if you have nutritional deficiencies even though you eat healthy enough, you need to remind your body to get back to sifting things properly. The intelligence of herbs is amazing. They are living beings not dead chemicals. When we have whole herbs who have … Read more