One of the body’s most common responses to hidden or suppressed trauma is a steady decline in the quality of blood cells being made.
This is why people ‘age’ suddenly when they have a tragedy or loss that ‘takes the life’ out of them.
This situation can also be caused by actual loss of physical blood, starvation and deprivation over a long period of time (especially in the case of women) and various emotional situations.
The most common cause however is the person doesn’t WANT to live anymore if that’s the way life is. A fall in blood quality and quantity is very simply the life energy withdrawing and the body and psyche being in a state of waiting for something to make the person want to live again.
Nearly every person I’ve ever made medicine for who has had the combination of anemia, fatigue, lessened hair quality or hair loss, lessened bone strength, has been able to remember an event or string of events through which they lost their zest for life.
Not in every case, but often enough, for me to mention it here, this combination of symptoms comes with the person clinging to an illusion or delusion about something. Denial of a painful truth. It takes so much energy to hold up the burden of this big illusion, the poor person is just drained of energy and finds no energy left to do anything else.
Now every soul knows what they have to do for life to be acceptable again, to be free of energy heaviness.
But this often hides behind the noise of our conscious mind with our thoughts and worries loud all day and even all night long.
To reach the point where we can hear what our heart wants us to hear, there are many ways. Some walk, some run, some sleep. The thing to remember is, if you’re not getting there through your normal routine, you have to do something you’re not doing yet.
Awareness is Resolution – Feeling your Heartbeat
I have seen amazing healing happen through the power of awareness. Remember that the whole point of illness is to call our attention and awareness to a particular area of the body.
However painful, get brave and become aware of the weak zones. Energy flows where awareness goes.
In the case of weak blood making, the areas we have to give attention to are the bone marrow and the heart.
On a vibration and frequency level, they are the same, they get each other. They work together with blood connecting them, like two ends of an electric circuit. If the bone marrow feels something, the heart feels it and reacts and vice versa.
So here is a simple exercise to bring awareness to both of them. It is simple and you can do it anywhere, any time, once you’ve gotten used to it.
1) Breathe, relax and feel your heart beat. Put your hand on your heart and feel your heart beat if it’s the first time you’re doing this. When you have picked up your heart beat, then let your hand fall and continue to feel your heart beat from inside.
2) Feel the vibration of the heart beat in your liver, just beneath your chest on your right side, and on the left side, your spleen. Both of these play a big role in maintaining blood in the body.
3) Become aware of the report or echo of the heart beat coming from the bones, the center of the bones to be precise.
You can choose one particular bone or area, like the hands or the feet, or the skull, or you can feel a ‘surround report’, like when a gun goes off in the center of the valley and standing right there you get an echo from all sides.
Know that it is not mental awareness that’s the aim here but holistic awareness which is also physical and very importantly emotional.
The cells of our heart, of our bones, they have memory, they have feelings, they have hopes and wishes. When you become aware of them, you might become aware of deep disappointment, loneliness, pain, shock, grief that you didn’t know you had. These might be irrational, they might be from some situation you thought you left behind a long time ago.
Just give your feelings respect. And make time every day perhaps even many times a day to become aware of your heart and the report of your heart beat from the bone marrow.
Herbs to support Blood Function
There are three colors in the blood.
Hibiscus, Rosehips, Rhododendron, Cactus, Nettle, Strawberries; these all help the red part of the blood.
Herbal Treatments for Heart, Blood & Circulation
Milk thistle, Dandelion, Wheatgrass; these help the yellow part of the blood, the liver that is. Bitter herbs usually support the liver.
Herbal Treatments for Liver Support
Mistletoe, Violet, Echinacea, Fenugreek; these help the white part of the blood, spleen and lymphatic function that is. The spleen is stimulated by sweet things. Refined white sugar is bad for you, but there are so many other ways to have sweet in your life.
A little sweet, a little bitter.
You will find your self drawn to some or all of these, or other herbs. Have those as teas or as tinctures, or get me or someone who knows what they’re doing to make you a blend of extracts.
When you take herbal medicine for a condition, twice or thrice a day, not only are you providing your body the tiny amounts of particular nutrition it needs to heal from a situation, you’re also speaking to your own self in an ancient primal language that both your body and the more subtle parts of you, like your sub-conscious understands. It is all round, a powerful method of healing.
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