Tektite – Energy Inflow to the Dark Field or Soul

Dear Ed, I’ve wanted to write to you, from ever so long, about Tektites. I feel, Ed, that very few actually understand them, because they’re not energy fields like the other crystals, the ones traditionally used to work with energy. Tektites, they say, Ed, are meteorites from outer space, that took the form they did … Read more

Rose Quartz – Recovery from Energy or Psychic Assault; Healing the Mother Wound

Dear Ed, I have lately been dissatisfied with descriptions of the energies and effects of crystals and minerals that I’ve found online. I love to hear about them as anyone would love to hear about those special spirits who have helped them from when they were little. So I have felt lonely when I find … Read more

Plaque in the Brain; Inner Sun; From Decaying to Regeneration

Why plaque in the brain is an issue; What causes it; The Inner Sun; Granddad’s recovery from plaque in the brain; Herbs for Brain Regeneration and other holistic treatments Dear Ed, In recent times, I’ve been remembering my Granddad a lot, thinking of how it was to be with him. His laugh, in fact his … Read more

New Book – Spirit Warrior – Your Nature is Your Weapon

Dear Ed,
One of the areas of healing that I have repeatedly found myself exploring, is that place, where physical herbs, exercise and even a lifetysle change that involves good sleep, sunlight and so on, don’t work. I have found myself there most of my life, and herbs have done much for me, but they can only take the horse to the water.
That’s why my main focus in all I do, is to spread awareness of how it is the SOUL that generates the human body, second by second.

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The Human Body Makes Poisons; Apoptosis

Why the knowledge that the human body makes poisons was removed from the public consciousness; Apoptosis – the function by which the human body triggers death of cells and tissue; 3 imbalances of the function of poison making in our bodies and methods to heal Dear Ed, In recent times, we humans have been smothered … Read more

Heartless = Energy Draining; Mind games = Aging and Death

Dear Ed, It’s like this. Heartless = Energy draining Heartless interaction = energy draining Heartless entity = vampire Vampires convert our sexual energy to mental energy. That’s done by presenting something, anything, that seems to be something on the surface but only engages us mentally. To engage we have to convert basic vital energy to … Read more