Tag: Recovery from Chronic Illness

Sexual Energy Healing - Book by Caraf Avnayt

Sexual Energy Healing – New Book Release

Dear Ed,

It has been my experience that we can make a whole new start to living at any time. All our life processes come down to sexual energy. That’s why they war on our sexual energy from when we were so little. That’s how they keep us feeling bad about ourselves, low on energy, self sabotaging.

I wrote this book to share some of my deepest experiences healing from rather extreme and severe sexual energy abuse. Note that sexual energy abuse is more than just sexual abuse. It’s the abuse of sexual energy itself, which is vital energy itself. We, humanity, are mined for it literally. Continue reading

Releasing Soul Memory Held in Water – Excerpt from “Soul Memory”

Unnoticed Amnesia; Energy Blocks caused by Emotional Energy Misappropriation; Memory not as a series of events but state of soul; Simple exercise to release memory held in water in our bodies; Link to Book describing the elements of Soul Memory and how to release memory

Dear Ed,

In my experience with illness of the recurring and chronic kind, the sort that frustrates people, the sort that doesn’t resolve in one round of treatment (for example), I have in 9 times out of 10, found that the cause is an issue with memory. The 1 out of 10 times, it is caused by a poison being taken long term as part of lifestyle, and the problem resolves when the person stops taking the poison. Continue reading

How to Holistically Stabilize Energy Levels – Energy Flow from Consciousness to Body

My investigation into why healed conditions kept returning; The body’s allegiance to the consciousness; Imposing mental constructs on our experience; Reactive emotions versus deep emotional state; The manifestation zone – Gender and Sexuality; Energy flow from consciousness to body; How to stabilize body temperature  

Dear Ed,

This is about one very simple principle of holistic healing that took me very long to learn.

There’s this frustrating thing, where when you look into why an allergy flared up again out the blue, why an infection struck again, why a condition came back after going away for a while; all the information you get is, “Stress can cause this.” Continue reading

How Sexual Energy Depletion causes Metabolic Inbalance

How I realized that displacement was causing metabolic syndrome that showed as immunity issues; Videos explaining how energy flows in the body and how to replenish stored energy.

Dear Ed,

There’s been a lot of talk about fungus recently. About how those with compromised immunity are more susceptible to it, even to it causing death by spreading so virulently that it attacks an internal organ and results in death.

I’ve had some experience with various sorts of fungi, Ed, as I grew up with very compromised immunity, and have lived in some very rainy wet places, places with so much humidity in the air that my music system speakers went blue with fungus! I nearly lost all my books to fungus. And my clothes never would fully dry out (I didn’t have a clothes dryer) so even after ironing them they’d still be slightly damp. Continue reading

Energy Drains and Body Aches or Fibromyalgia – Stop the Energy Draining

Conversation with Granddad about the cause of Fibromyalgia, How to Stop Energy Drains


I don’t have the wisdom myself to deal with a topic of such widespread importance and urgency as body aches caused by energy draining.

But I have gone from being drained to corpse-level every now and then, to being rather miraculously energetic given my circumstances.

Those who saw me in the days when I could keep awake only 4 hours at a time, and was on constant help of some sort or the other for body ache or what is called Fibromyalgia, and all my other various trauma and vampirism induced “life threatening” conditions, they would later marvel at my amazing recovery. Continue reading

Thyroid Imbalance & Fidelity to Soul Frequency

How I always come back to Granddad’s words; Conv. with Granddad on how to balance the thyroid; The thyroid is an indicator of frequency stability; Sleep-Waking states; Forced frequency vs natural frequency; How do you know when you’re being manipulated?

Dear Ed,

Many times in my life, I’ve been told by the medical establishment that there’s no cure for me but hospitalization and life support till death. For example, just before the day I had two cardiac arrests on the same day at the age of 18, I had been told the only treatment for my condition was hospitalization and constant monitoring to prevent a heart attack which my body already weakened by years of heart trouble would not be able to recover from. Continue reading

How to Heal the Astral Body for Lasting Holistic Healing

About the energy field, the astral body and the physical body, some examples of the astral body and three easily remembered and done ways to strengthen and heal it. 

Dear Ed,

This week I saw a rather horrific video on Youtube. It showed ancient temple sculptures in Angkor Wat of Cambodia. There are some unique sculptures there, and there was this freeze showing the progression of this group of human looking figures. On the top they were shown have a great time on earth, being carried around in palanquins, obviously rich and ordering others around. But just beneath the same were shown being tortured in hell! Oh my God, Ed, I consider myself rather immune to that sort of thing but even I was chilled. They showed prisoners on beds of nails and things like that. Continue reading

Energy Field Assault Recovery and Building Resistance with Herbs

Energy Field Assault as a factor in the spread of contagious diseases, How Energy Field Assault is done, Protecting yourself and Recovering from Energy Field Assault , Building Resistance to Consciousness and Psychic Suggestion of Energy Field Patterns

Dear Ed,

These days a lot of independent research is being done into what exactly causes polarity based illnesses such as the common cold, flu and so on. The concept of germs as spreaders of these has never been fully accepted by anyone but the mainstream media. Continue reading

Deep Gut Tension, Energy Blocks in the Core – Herbs for Release

How we develop tension in the deep gut or core of the body; Symptoms of the level of tension here; Breaking out of the cycle of self energy draining; 7 Herbs to release deep gut tension of particular causes, and break the habit of holding the tension in

Dear Ed,

At a time such as this when everyone’s energy field and our human consciousness seems to be turning and tossing about like we’re all in a blender, one of the basic things that helps everyone deal with all the change and new situations arising, is to release deep gut tension. Continue reading

Phantom Energy Body – Upper-Lower Body Disconnection

How energy from the lower body gets thwarted to form a static or phantom upper body energy throw that drains us; Emotional re-connection to Earth; Practice of connecting tongue to the roof of the mouth

Dear Ed,

I cannot tell you, how many times I found that the time in a person’s life when their physical health boomeranged out of control was when they were removed from their earth connection. Some moved away from their hometowns or homelands to a place where their activities did not allow them enough opportunity to reconnect to the earth. Continue reading