Sexual Energy Healing – New Book Release

Dear Ed,

It has been my experience that we can make a whole new start to living at any time. All our life processes come down to sexual energy. That’s why they war on our sexual energy from when we were so little. That’s how they keep us feeling bad about ourselves, low on energy, self sabotaging.

I wrote this book to share some of my deepest experiences healing from rather extreme and severe sexual energy abuse. Note that sexual energy abuse is more than just sexual abuse. It’s the abuse of sexual energy itself, which is vital energy itself. We, humanity, are mined for it literally.

The key to healing from anything in a way where there’s no relapse is sexual energy healing. That simple. Because if sexual energy isn’t flowing then the body is not actually living, but dying in stages.

The first half of this book is previously unpublished writings about dealing with sexual shame properly and for good, the signs and effects of and how to deal with hidden sexual abuse, and a conversation with my now famous, the indomitable Granddad, John Waltham, on sexual desire.

It was his conversation with me about sexual desire being the source of life energy that completely turned my life around and turned my body from dying to living.

The book is available here: Sexual Energy Healing – Buy Online -

(Apple and other stores will be carrying it in a few hours or days.)

(The book is available for anonymous download in .Epub, .Mobi, PDF formats at a lessened price from here.)



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