Releasing Soul Memory Held in Water – Excerpt from “Soul Memory”

Unnoticed Amnesia; Energy Blocks caused by Emotional Energy Misappropriation; Memory not as a series of events but state of soul; Simple exercise to release memory held in water in our bodies; Link to Book describing the elements of Soul Memory and how to release memory Dear Ed, In my experience with illness of the recurring … Read more

Trauma and the Kidneys, Emergency Support

Signs of Kidney Distress – before you go and have kidney failure; Trauma and the Kidneys; Aconite for Kidney Distress Nervous Support; Alfalfa for Fluid Retention and vital energy support; Natural Salt and Sea Weed for kidney distress with sexual energy loss Dear Ed, I recently made a treatment for a dog with severe kidney … Read more

Herbs for Fear Induced Cramps & Spasms – Asthma, Bronchitis, Abdominal Cramps

Letter to Ed describing my very crazy but true story about how I almost died from fear induced asthma when I was fifteen – I went from healthy to dying in 3 weeks. My experience with fear in childbirth and the greatest line up of herbs ever to relieve lung, uterine and abdominal cramps + … Read more

Herbs to Release Pent-up Rage

Anger that isn’t released becomes Rage. There are so very many physical conditions that are the result of anger bottled up that I cannot list them here. There’s a simple rule of thumb. If you’re attracted to this topic, you most probably have pent up rage or someone you care about deeply, who influences you … Read more

Herbal Energies to Cope with Isolation and Recover from Isolation Trauma

Herbs are not like pills which while being ‘active’ do not carry living consciousness. Herbs have consciousness just like us and that is why they are the medicine of choice and instinct for animals in our world. They have the nutrients to help our bodies when we’re running low. And they have the natural … Read more

Herbs to relax Heart Muscle Tension and release PTSD patterns

When we go through traumatic episodes one too many times, we learn to hold some parts of us tight, sometimes so tight that those parts of us, let’s say an area of the heart muscle for example, that the place becomes hard, taut, and even develops scar tissue or adhesions over the years. These are … Read more