4 Causes of Chronic Scar Tissue Formation, Holistic Treatment of Recurring Scars

Dear Ed, Scar tissue externally or internally isn’t just a cosmetic problem. I’ve come across situations where internal scar tissue such as on the womb or digestive organs can be life threatening as it comes in the way of normal function. Scar tissue on muscles and ligaments can become the reason for weakness and atrophy … Read more

Trauma and the Kidneys, Emergency Support

Signs of Kidney Distress – before you go and have kidney failure; Trauma and the Kidneys; Aconite for Kidney Distress Nervous Support; Alfalfa for Fluid Retention and vital energy support; Natural Salt and Sea Weed for kidney distress with sexual energy loss Dear Ed, I recently made a treatment for a dog with severe kidney … Read more

Herbs go where words can’t. Herbs to comfort.

 There are times in life when all you can do for a loved one or your self is to simply comfort. Times of shock, grief, bereavement, you don’t really know what to do, and there is precious little anyone can say at times like those. A cup of a soothing herbal tea that’s not … Read more