Bougainvillea Cheer to Refresh your Spirit

Bougainvillea’s breakthrough energy and how it helped me when I was blocked in every way. Dear Ed, Yesterday I saw these beautiful white bougainvillea flowers blooming and was reminded all over again how powerful the energy of these flowers are. They grow all over the world, flower exuberantly without asking much in the way of … Read more

Spin Breaker Herbs – Holistic Relief from Emotional and Energy Blocks

Dear Ed, I wrote to you about herbs that demagnetize the body, so the body can regenerate itself instead of being stuck in the same patterns over and over. Similar to those herbs, Ed, but working on a slightly different level, are what I call “Spin Breaker Herbs”. There’s the magnetic field, Ed, formed by … Read more

Mental Projections of False Body Image and Identity

Dear Ed, A topic very close to my heart, is the effects of trauma on body image. One of the first articles I wrote that was on the internet (unfortunately lost now) was titled “Phantom Body”. I wrote to you about it last year as well: Phantom Energy Body; Upper-Lower Body Disconnection Our mind is … Read more

Manic Anxiety Disorder – The Serpent Point, and Mistletoe

Dear Ed, There’s a difference between anxiety that’s connected to a particular situation in life, and long term manic anxiety. In the case of the latter, it is not exactly caused by one or a group of conditions, but a state of consciousness or mindset that affects the whole system, feeding on life energy, and … Read more

Our energy does not come from food. Food and Vibration

How I increased my sensitivity to vibration; Food and Vibration; How we’re programed to manage energy levels based on our perception of whether we’ve eaten enough or not; Vibrationally dead versus Vibrationally alive food Dear Ed, When I got my first Bible, when I was seven, I opened it randomly and the first thing I … Read more

My Travails with Truth, Lies and Energy Flow

Dear Ed, I was brought up in an environment where everyone lied routinely. As a child I demonstrated what they considered then, a character problem in me, and for which I was much reviled and character assassinated. You see Ed, I could not lie effectively. Now that sounds like I’m showing off. But I assure … Read more

5 Causes of Long Term Energy Draining

Converting energy; How the body’s energy cycle changes frequencies; Five causes of long term energy draining; Pictures of Morning Glory Dear Ed, Granddad taught me that the basic vital energy in our bodies, that’s stored, that is, not being used in active processes, is sexual energy. If someone is low on sexual energy, it means … Read more

Celebrity Alert: Voodoo Lily – Space Perception and Center to Periphery Energy Connectivity

Dear Ed, Back in 2006 when I was living in the Himalaya mountains, I was fascinated by this plant whose leaves were arranged like a necklace. While most trees grow straight up and have their leaves grow in straight lines out from the branch, this plant does things differently. It chooses a point in space … Read more

Guarana – Energy Block Release, Recovery from Premature Aging

How I came across Guarana; How similar physical nutrition can carry widely differing energy effects; Energy of Watermelon; Why I don’t bother reading “Nutritional Information”; Blindness caused by loss of vital energy; Premature Aging, Pushing against boundaries; Releasing life energy blocks by pursuing desire Dear Ed, There’s this tree called “Guarana” – Paullinia Guarana” whose … Read more

And the No. 1 biggest constant drainer of life energy is….

Lizards and the lizard phase of our development; The Effect of trauma while transitioning from receptive and reflective stage to expressive stage; Neutral is different from Balanced; Chameleons changing color video  Dear Ed, The answer is, “Being neutral.” Granddad taught this to me and I remembered it recently when I saw this photo I took … Read more