Heartless = Energy Draining; Mind games = Aging and Death

Dear Ed, It’s like this. Heartless = Energy draining Heartless interaction = energy draining Heartless entity = vampire Vampires convert our sexual energy to mental energy. That’s done by presenting something, anything, that seems to be something on the surface but only engages us mentally. To engage we have to convert basic vital energy to … Read more

Hyssop – Don’t Fear the Pain

 I was wondering, Ed, why of all the herbal painkillers, Jesus was given Hyssop and vinegar (or sour wine) when on the cross. It seemed to me to be hardly something given to someone in pain who was expected to die. Yet again, it’s an instance of a herb being used that is not for … Read more

5 Causes of Long Term Energy Draining

Converting energy; How the body’s energy cycle changes frequencies; Five causes of long term energy draining; Pictures of Morning Glory Dear Ed, Granddad taught me that the basic vital energy in our bodies, that’s stored, that is, not being used in active processes, is sexual energy. If someone is low on sexual energy, it means … Read more

Anxiety Triggered Inflammation – 3 Decisive Ways to Break the Cycle

Dear Ed, Recently, the majority of inflammatory conditions I’ve been noticing have been anxiety triggered. People feel helpless, Ed, when told to “just calm down,” and “Stop being anxious.” Once you’re actually breaking out in inflammations and allergies, and putting on water weight (fluid retention), that’s already the body saying that anxiety that should be … Read more

Troublemaker Herbs to Change Life Mood

Dear Ed, Of late I’ve come across more and more people struggling with letting go of what I call “life mood” to be able to move ahead. An example of this is in how when we want to lose weight (for example) we know what we must do, but we don’t or give up at … Read more

Holistic Lucid Dreaming; Datura & Brugmansia; Dissolving Conscious Brain resistance to the Subconscious

How to start lucid dreaming spontaneously without the energy drain and hormonal imbalance; Dissolving the conscious brain’s resistance to the subconscious brain; How upward facing Datura and downward facing Brugmansia help resolve identity crises to remove energy blocks. Ed, lucid dreaming, or being aware in one’s sleep, with that, “I am dreaming this,” awareness, is … Read more

Since when has your life been sc*ewed? Emotional Reaction Vs. Emotional State

The difference between reactive emotions and base emotional state with its powers. Why the body only responds to medicine for some time before relapsing. Conversation with Granddad about how to become aware of emotional state and find release. Ed, very often in the use of herbs for emotional and nervous conditions, the results are skewed … Read more

Herbs to Undo & Recover from Fearfulness, Organ specific Sound Vibrations, Fear vs. Pleasure

The energetic pattern of Fear in the body; Sound vibrations to release particular organ tension and pain; Herbs to undo fear pause in the body; Undoing the Habit of Fear with Pleasure Ed, I went deep into Taoist Yoga at one time, and it really helped me through some hard times. I don’t do it … Read more

The Consciousness of the Failed and the Damned

How the consciousness of feeling failed and damned falls heavy on us when we go through pain – no matter how that’s caused, holding us down; My personal experience as a survivor of abuse and feelings of loss of a child,; Consciousness mapping to Occupy the Wound and reject mass consciousness suggestion. Dear Ed, I … Read more

Our Body’s Thermometer & Strychnos for the Stricken – Ignatia

Strychnos Ignatii also called Ignatia Amara, Ignatius Bean or Ignatia is first aid for when the thermometer system of our body fails and this article lists my top 6 situations in which Ignatia is a powerful medicine that few other herbs can match in those situations. Ed, one time I was going to have a … Read more