Mental Projections of False Body Image and Identity

Dear Ed, A topic very close to my heart, is the effects of trauma on body image. One of the first articles I wrote that was on the internet (unfortunately lost now) was titled “Phantom Body”. I wrote to you about it last year as well: Phantom Energy Body; Upper-Lower Body Disconnection Our mind is … Read more

And the No. 1 biggest constant drainer of life energy is….

Lizards and the lizard phase of our development; The Effect of trauma while transitioning from receptive and reflective stage to expressive stage; Neutral is different from Balanced; Chameleons changing color video  Dear Ed, The answer is, “Being neutral.” Granddad taught this to me and I remembered it recently when I saw this photo I took … Read more

How Sexual Energy Depletion causes Metabolic Inbalance

How I realized that displacement was causing metabolic syndrome that showed as immunity issues; Videos explaining how energy flows in the body and how to replenish stored energy. Dear Ed, There’s been a lot of talk about fungus recently. About how those with compromised immunity are more susceptible to it, even to it causing death … Read more

Polarity Balancers – Clay, Charcoal, Ash and Herbs

How cells become positively over-charged and lose energy; What helps to balance energy field polarity; Healing the space cells occupy; Different time zones in the same body; Energetic independence your own way Dear Ed, Everyone needs help right now to stay energetically balanced. I say everyone, because in our world right now, no matter where … Read more

Energy Field of Mistletoe for Recovery from Hormonal Exhaustion

How the energy field of Mistletoe rehabilitates the body from long term hormonal war, stimulates re-calibration of hormonal and energetic processes, eases hormonal anxiety and helps one recover from exhausting hormonal episodes like the “travails of teenage”. Ed, much has been written about Mistletoe or Viscum Album’s medicinal properties on a physical level. It’s one … Read more

Holistic Lucid Dreaming; Datura & Brugmansia; Dissolving Conscious Brain resistance to the Subconscious

How to start lucid dreaming spontaneously without the energy drain and hormonal imbalance; Dissolving the conscious brain’s resistance to the subconscious brain; How upward facing Datura and downward facing Brugmansia help resolve identity crises to remove energy blocks. Ed, lucid dreaming, or being aware in one’s sleep, with that, “I am dreaming this,” awareness, is … Read more

“Conservation of Energy” is a Trap

The consciousness of lack is a serial killer. And the mindset of conservation of energy is a trap. This practice of energy manipulation through believing we have limited energy is often presented as an energy science, when it actually causes severe energetic imbalance and makes us vulnerable to energy vampirism. Dear Ed, I remembered this … Read more

All about Jing, Mojo and Shen

The Chinese herbalists classified energy as three types – Jing, Qi and Shen. I’ve replaced Qi with Mojo as that’s what most people know it as. Jing is the Oil. Mojo is the Fire. Shen is the Heat & Light. Let me write it another way. OIL -> FIRE -> HEAT & LIGHT JING -> … Read more

Two things to do to Stop Losing Energy

In the middle of the night I woke up perspiring (remember – boys sweat, girls perspire) and I found my heart beating really really fast. Having had two close brushes with heart attacks, I learned very quick that prevention is the best cure. How does a nineteen year old end up having heart attacks? That … Read more

Yeast will tell you the time. (eBook – The Spirit of Yeast)

“Yeast will tell you the time,” my Granddad John Waltham said to me. He started me off a journey that hasn’t ended, a journey into understanding the magic of my own body, host to millions of these little living beings with their own spirit, choice and memory, affecting my health, my moods, my smell, my … Read more