Two things to do to Stop Losing Energy

In the middle of the night I woke up perspiring (remember – boys sweat, girls perspire) and I found my heart beating really really fast.

Having had two close brushes with heart attacks, I learned very quick that prevention is the best cure.

How does a nineteen year old end up having heart attacks?

That much adrenal abuse.

Can someone who doesn’t drink or smoke or take drugs be over-adrenalized?

Yes. A state of general panic – such as the mainstream media is religiously devoted to fostering, can affect the body just as bad as drugs that raise heart rate, or poisons that make the immune system hyper-activated.

Now, obviously the solution is to Calm The F*** Down as several cats and other pets have recently advised on the internet, no doubt based on sound personal experience.

But as our species seems to have a problem doing that, I would like to share with you two things that have helped me immensely.

Two things to do to Calm Down and end energy loss

1) Stop converting energy.
2) Herbs for recovery from adrenal abuse.

The second one, you get. Please click on the link to read all about it in detail. Those herbs are available anywhere. They can change your life. Trust me on that – I’ve been rescued by them. If you’re prone to over-adrenalization, you need a little dropper bottle in your pocket or bag always. Every time you feel you’re getting too worked up, take a few drops. You have no idea how much that can help until you try it.

And now for the first.

Stop Converting Energy

According to the laws of physics, a body never has a change in the amount of energy it has. You check it out on the internet – The Law of Conservation of Energy.

The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time. This law means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.

Now, if the energy in a body stays the same, why do we feel a lack of energy?

I asked my (very cool and now famous) Granddad that question and he said to me, “Stop converting.

When energy converts from our stored energy in the deep gut, it goes off in that direction and takes forever to come back to a state where it can be converted again to another sort we require.

It’s like money. Once you invest in your career by buying a lot of clothes to wear to meetings, it’s going to be a while, months or years, before that money comes back as money you can use for something else.

So if we keep converting huge amounts of energy from our store, we feel depleted when we need energy for something else.

Therefore, stop converting.

How does that work? I asked Granddad.

The venerable gentleman went silent for a while and then said, “What’s your No. 1 energy drain?”

I thought a bit and said, “Getting emotionally worked up reading things or seeing things.”

“No,” he said. “No, no no.

Your No. 1 energy drain will always be sexual.”

I was shocked. Me? No sexy male for thousands of miles around. It’s true. Though that never stopped me from having an err… “inner” sex life.

Granddad continued.

“Sexual energy conversion accounts for the bulk of energy conversion. We needn’t talk about the others – they fall into place.”

Me – Oh!

Grandad – There are two kinds of sex. Happy sex and sad sex.

Me – Oh!

Granddad – Happy sex is when the body and spirit both enjoy love. Sad sex is when the body goes in and the spirit waits outside listening to the sounds – Ahhh and Ooooo and Oh my God! – but isn’t invited to the party.

Cara, have you ever felt left out? Of the party? Of the fun?

Me – Yes.

Granddad – Do you want to do that to your spirit?

Me – No.

Granddad – Well that’s what sad sex is. Leaving your heart and soul and spirit outside.

After a very long time feeling overwhelmed by what he’d said, I asked:

How do you make sure your spirit and body are together?

Granddad shrugged like I’d asked which letter comes after A. I used to feel really confident every time he shrugged like that. It meant he’d achieved what he was going to tell me about, and it wasn’t impossible at all.

He said, “Do you remember anything from the book of Song of Songs in the Bible?”

“Yes,” I said, “Of course.” I had memorized that book as a teenager – loved it.

“Then tell me the strangest thing you read in that book,” Granddad said like he knew me so well.

“Do not awaken love until it so desires,” I replied, “That was something I never understood and it was repeated over and over.

“That’s your answer,” Granddad said turning over in his chair looking a little animated compared to before, “See sometimes the answer comes first and the question later.”

I sighed then like I sigh now.

“Do not awaken love until it so desires?”

Granddad realized he’d have to explain it and sank back into the chair. “Love is sexual energy, which is life energy. Don’t awaken it, don’t try to make it wake up, don’t provoke it, don’t prod it, don’t push it, don’t pull it, don’t do anything to it. Just let it do as it pleases.”

I get the same dull head spin now as I did then. “What?”

“Some years from now,” Granddad sighed, “You’ll understand it. For now, just remember what I said.”

That time has come now, almost ten years later.

And it’s all about trust.

You simply don’t push yourself. You watch yourself. You do as your body leads you to do.

You don’t rush rush rush, from one thing to the next. You stop and you feel yourself. You ask yourself, “What does my gut want me to do right now?” And you do that.

You trust your spirit to convert energy. You have to trust your self.

You cannot force a flower to bloom. You have to let it unfold at its pace.

Now I could give you a whole list of things to do to stop being energy drained, but I’m telling you the one true thing I know that will could your life forever.

Start trusting your spirit to manage your energy, don’t mentally impose on your body and your life. Go easy. You’re a living being with spirit, not a robot.

And never try or force your self to get sexually turned on. If you are, you are, don’t block it. If you aren’t, you aren’t, don’t force it.

I know this comes late in this article but it’s so important, don’t forget it.

It’ll take a while to change, and it might not be easy, but it will be worth it. You’ll have your life back.

In a few years some of you will be emailing me telling me I changed your life.

And now,

KEEP CALM and look at this tree that was cut down putting out new leaves.

Herbs for recovery from adrenal abuse.


Caraf Avnayt





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