Sexual Energy Healing – New Book Release

Sexual Energy Healing - Book by Caraf Avnayt

Dear Ed, It has been my experience that we can make a whole new start to living at any time. All our life processes come down to sexual energy. That’s why they war on our sexual energy from when we were so little. That’s how they keep us feeling bad about ourselves, low on energy, … Read more

Trauma Miasma and Infectious Diseases

What is a Miasma? How does Trauma spread? What makes us susceptible to catching trauma? What stops the spread of miasmas? How can we protect ourselves from miasmas? Dear Ed, I wish I weren’t an expert on trauma miasmas. I wish I hadn’t found out the way I did, the truth about trauma hormones being … Read more

Releasing Soul Memory Held in Water – Excerpt from “Soul Memory”

Unnoticed Amnesia; Energy Blocks caused by Emotional Energy Misappropriation; Memory not as a series of events but state of soul; Simple exercise to release memory held in water in our bodies; Link to Book describing the elements of Soul Memory and how to release memory Dear Ed, In my experience with illness of the recurring … Read more

No Operating System! Reload Original Life Energy Pattern after Trauma Wipe-out

Dear Ed,Recently, my phone gave me a lot of trouble. It’s an old phone and it was just one problem after another. In exasperation, I did reset after reset with the same problems coming up over and over. I then replaced the battery.When it still didn’t work, I went crazy and deleted everything I could … Read more

4 Causes of Chronic Scar Tissue Formation, Holistic Treatment of Recurring Scars

Dear Ed, Scar tissue externally or internally isn’t just a cosmetic problem. I’ve come across situations where internal scar tissue such as on the womb or digestive organs can be life threatening as it comes in the way of normal function. Scar tissue on muscles and ligaments can become the reason for weakness and atrophy … Read more

Trauma and the Kidneys, Emergency Support

Signs of Kidney Distress – before you go and have kidney failure; Trauma and the Kidneys; Aconite for Kidney Distress Nervous Support; Alfalfa for Fluid Retention and vital energy support; Natural Salt and Sea Weed for kidney distress with sexual energy loss Dear Ed, I recently made a treatment for a dog with severe kidney … Read more

The Amazing Life Energy of Plumeria or Frangipani

Photos of a Plumeria or Frangipani tree blooming SIX MONTHS after being uprooted; stalk of Plumeria I picked up in March, leafing without earth, water, direct sunlight in July. Dear Ed, I am not very familiar with the use of Plumeria or Frangipani as a typical herbal medicine as it was not one of those … Read more

Our Body’s Thermometer & Strychnos for the Stricken – Ignatia

Strychnos Ignatii also called Ignatia Amara, Ignatius Bean or Ignatia is first aid for when the thermometer system of our body fails and this article lists my top 6 situations in which Ignatia is a powerful medicine that few other herbs can match in those situations. Ed, one time I was going to have a … Read more

Sea Salt and Bio-rhythm Recovery after Shock, Trauma

How the Sea keeps the bio-rhythm of the Earth and therefore us, how Salt carries this vibration and helps us recover from rhythm disruption caused by trauma, shock, vaccination, radiation; How salt aids recovery of BALANCE of minerals in our bodies.  Dear Ed, As a lover of the sea you don’t need to be reminded … Read more

Herbs for Fear Induced Cramps & Spasms – Asthma, Bronchitis, Abdominal Cramps

Letter to Ed describing my very crazy but true story about how I almost died from fear induced asthma when I was fifteen – I went from healthy to dying in 3 weeks. My experience with fear in childbirth and the greatest line up of herbs ever to relieve lung, uterine and abdominal cramps + … Read more