Disruption to Metabolism, Life path, caused by Blood Loss

Dear Ed, These days I’m seeing more and more, the long term effects of blood loss in people. Did you know that until the early 1900s all medical diagnosis was done with urine and stool analysis, and not blood? This is because urine is in fact filtered blood. In the early 1800s when the state … Read more

Guerilla DNA Repair with Herbs and Energy Recalibration

Guerilla DNA Recovery and Regeneration - Book by Caraf Avnayt

Dear Ed, The difference between someone recovering after a drain or severe injury or setback, and someone being debilitated because of that in the long term, leading to what is called “aging” these days, is gene repair. When I was little, I grew up with a lot of bikers in the extended foster family, church, … Read more

Colon and Rectal Nerve and Muscle Holistic Rehabilitation

What happens when feces isn’t expelled fully and quickly enough; Holistic Nervous Rehab of Colon and Rectum; Emotional and Energetic Causes of Limpness in the area; Amazing Core Contraction Exercise; Beautiful Pictures of Poppies Dear Ed, There’s a pattern of symptoms that include digestive insufficiency where a person is able to digest food, but not … Read more

Skin Recovery from Nervous Trauma

Trauma Effects Skin – Treating Skin as the Nervous System; Radiation damaged skin; Hormonal blowout damaged skin; Skin depleted of sexual energy; Skin traumatized by Nervous Electric Voltage Fluctuation/ Blowouts (Shock trauma); Skin traumatized by poisoning, assault on liver and digestion; How to treat the skin with nervines Dear Ed, For many years now, I’ve … Read more

Energy Field of Turmeric – Clarity in Atmospheric Trauma, Spatial Sensitivity

How to choose a herb or plant for its energy field; How I found out about Turmeric’s ability to support energetic sensitivity, clarity of intuition and instinct despite atmospheric trauma and chaos; Correcting shifted center of gravity back, Spatial sensitivity  Dear Ed, So much has been written about turmeric at this point that I feel … Read more

Energy Field of Mistletoe for Recovery from Hormonal Exhaustion

How the energy field of Mistletoe rehabilitates the body from long term hormonal war, stimulates re-calibration of hormonal and energetic processes, eases hormonal anxiety and helps one recover from exhausting hormonal episodes like the “travails of teenage”. Ed, much has been written about Mistletoe or Viscum Album’s medicinal properties on a physical level. It’s one … Read more

Skin Rehabilitation from Emotional & Nervous Blow-out; Long Term Trauma

Comfrey - Symphytum Officinale

Herbs for first-aid for the skin after an emotional or nervous blow-out; Electrical and energetic assault on skin; Herbs for rehabilitation of skin cells from long term trauma; How to make your own oil extracts and creams Dear Ed, The skin is full of nerve endings. It is a sense organ in its own right, … Read more

Sea Salt and Bio-rhythm Recovery after Shock, Trauma

How the Sea keeps the bio-rhythm of the Earth and therefore us, how Salt carries this vibration and helps us recover from rhythm disruption caused by trauma, shock, vaccination, radiation; How salt aids recovery of BALANCE of minerals in our bodies.  Dear Ed, As a lover of the sea you don’t need to be reminded … Read more

Bach Flower Remedies for Pregnancy

Wherein I burden the long suffering Ed with more information, that could possibly help him. How I first was impressed by flower remedies in my tryst with horrific writer’s block; the energy field of a pregnant woman, and Bach Flower remedies for specific challenges pregnant women and their families face. Ed, I know you’ve been … Read more

Stock up on Natural Vitamin C – Limes and Lemons

Wherein I rub in the fact that you’d best not catch the sniffles right now, while YOU KNOW WHAT is “raging”. And I explain the need for holistic immune support rather than just isolated Vitamin C, and how limes and lemons can repair the body’s ability to absorb and make nutrients we need, from whatever … Read more