“Yeast will tell you the time,” my Granddad John Waltham said to me.
He started me off a journey that hasn’t ended, a journey into understanding the magic of my own body, host to millions of these little living beings with their own spirit, choice and memory, affecting my health, my moods, my smell, my Life.
An female emanation of our Mother Earth, Yeast manages the times of our life, like the moon calls the tides.
The wrong Yeast was what the Israelites had to put aside in Egypt so they could change from slaves into conquerors. The right Yeast on a bunch of grapes told them they’d come home.
A lot has been written about the physical properties of Yeast. Good yeast is required for healthy digestion, the foundation of health in the body as we depend on receiving nutrients from food and drink. Yeast imbalance however, Candida for example is a major cause of systemic imbalance and ill effects that go far beyond any one particular disease’s name.
A quick internet search on the subject will show you just how important it is that Yeast stay balanced in our bodies.
This book will not attempt to show how with some simple changes in how we treat Yeast, we can radically change our health, metabolism and life experience for the better.
In this book:
Yeast is Consciousness
Yeast as Time-Keeper
Bad Yeasts and Diabetes
The Illness Consciousness
The Passover Story: Leaving the Slave Consciousness Behind
Enforcing a Change of Consciousness to Sustain Healing
Yeast carries memory and habit.
Yeast and Fertility
How to listen to Yeast
The Spirit of Yeast is available on Amazon Kindle, Paperback .
Or you can read it online here on this website: The Spirit of Yeast >>