How cells become positively over-charged and lose energy; What helps to balance energy field polarity; Healing the space cells occupy; Different time zones in the same body; Energetic independence your own way
Dear Ed,
Everyone needs help right now to stay energetically balanced. I say everyone, because in our world right now, no matter where you are, there is some form of adrenalizing or over stimulating unnatural radiation affecting you right out of the skies and through imbalanced – no, poisoned, foods.
My visits to ancient sites in Australia and India showed me that this sort of thing has happened before and humanity survived it. So we have what it takes.
The root of the matter is a simple thing. It is over-stimulation of physical living cells, heating them up, causing the lubrication or water of the cell to get evaporated or dispersed, thereby breaking the energy field of the cell – which is carried in the water, into smaller energy fields. Just like one bigger water drop breaking into smaller ones. What happens though, is because the cell needs all those to be one, for the cell to function, the individual bits struggle to get back together and to do so, heat up and expend energy. Now when the drops become one big drop again – great; that’s the natural process.
However, imagine a situation where the drop is again over-stimulated, again over-heated, broken up and again had to re-consolidate itself. Imagine it goes on and on. The cell could get into a state of being permanently over-stimulated and low on energy because of the constant draining.
Now imagine that’s a lot of cells, and eventually a whole organ or large part of the body. The body first gets hyperactive and then crashes, and then hyperactive again and crashes again.
So very many of our modern diseases from the common cold (I haven’t found one ancient painting or sculpture, or even reference in ancient texts to this mysterious malady), diabetes, cancer, asthma, psoriasis, chronic fatigue, nervous inflammation, glandular dysfunction, hormonal imbalances of all types, fibromyalgia and so on are because of over-stimulation.
Now over-stimulation is a rather vague phrase. The right way of putting it is “polarity imbalance”. Our cells ought to be at a comfortable base energy frequency. When they get stimulated they move into a positive charge – where energy is being expended. When they’re recovering they slip into a negative charge where they’re consolidating themselves and healing. Other times, through the solar and lunar cycles they go with the whole body through the shift between outward and inward flow.
(My article on the common flu: Testing Positive; The Energetic Viewpoint, Herbs for Emergencies and Lung Support )
Any major recurring or chronic condition is usually nothing but the impact of shock on the system, and the system’s attempt to restore harmony.
Essentially, we can heal from anything so long as our cells ar e all energetically moving together. A shock however, breaks our energy field and we have different parts of us then living separate lives so to speak and the body finds it harder and harder to communicate from one part to the other.
Our bio-rhythms are disrupted so we have different rhythms in different parts of the body all at the same time.
Treating a person for recovery from shock – whether recent or old and suppressed, is about comforting the body and soul into a state where it connects up again. Just like little drops of water connect up to form a big drop.
So comforting herbs are essential in the moment.
However, in cases of repeated shocks, or sustained assault of the system, such as is the case with constant or regular exposure to radiation, food poisons and such, where the cells are constantly over-stimulated and become used to being in a state of positive polarity, we could use energetic balancers to balance the polarity.
Here are some polarity balancing substances described in the way they work. You’ll know by instinct if you need them.
Clays are energy neutral and simply absorb or blanket over-stimulated cells. All animals eat clay instinctively to balance and soothe an over-stimulated gut. So many health problems are caused by gut over-stimulation. Remember the gut is our second brain, and is filled with sensitive nerve endings. A lot of psychological stress therefore is also caused by the gut being over-stimulated.
Clay calms the positively polarized zones and if you take clay – Bentonite clay for example, regularly, even in small doses, it rehabilitates the body moving from positive polarity to back to balanced.
Amazingly enough, the same clays also provide various vital minerals and also cart away the waste products and rubble of the effect of poisons in the body.
When the body is over-stimulated the energy field is open to draining. Charcoal with its emphatic negative polarity influences the body to return to neutral. As the body does, it lets go of poisons.
One reason that we don’t pass poisons out on our own, is because of the cells being positively polarize already. In a hyper state like that the body doesn’t consider housekeeping tasks like throwing out poisons, important, so energy is not allocated and the poison stays on.
As the body returns to neutral and energy is allocated for housekeeping tasks.
Charcoal is commonly used around the world to purify water because it neutralized the positive charge that makes poisons poisons.
Since ancient times, ash has been used in ceremony and in medicine alike for its powerful energy properties. It has the opposite energy field of the substance it was before it was burned and became Ash. So it has the opposite properties of that substance.
Here’s a drawing by M.C.Escher, “Air and Water” 1938- that sort of demonstrates how cells are held in place in the body.
There’s matter, and its complement or opposite matter. The two together, keep the manifestation of that thing in place.
Fire or burning changes the energy field of matter to its opposite energy. This when ingested or put on the body has the ability to stimulate healing in the holding areas between the cells, the very space in which our cells are. How amazing is that!
Some examples of the modern use of ash:
Ash of coal, called Activated Charcoal (usually bamboo wood or coconut shells burned) is used in preservation of cheese. Any food spoilage is essentially a positive polarity – changing the polarity sort of energy freezes the cells so they don’t spoil quickly.
Edible vegetable ash for use in cheese making to prevent it from acidifying
My family used the ash of gold, silver, copper, tin, iron as well as various other ashes of plant material, rocks and crystals in all cases where there were long term trauma patterns in the system.
The use of ashes in western traditional medicine has been mostly snuffed out, although the field of homeopathy – which arose from the ashes of the old world medicine that was mostly censored and suppressed out of the consciousness of humans, uses dilutions of metal.
Indian Ayurveda however has in fact preserved to some extent knowledge of the making and use of various ashes called “Bhasma”. I have used many of these over the years, when making my own wasn’t possible.
It’s kind of hard to understand which Bhasma is for what based on what’s on the internet, so here is a breakdown based on my family’s traditional semetic/ Welsh/ Scottish system of understanding – but which can be applied to the Ayurvedic preparations as both just happen to be similar. All the old world had common forms of medicines it seems.
Gold Ash or Swarna Bhasma
is used for rejuvenation of the ability to hold energy. Let’s say someone’s gotten so depleted after months of surgery after surgery, or a very bad period of stress that’s just emotionally devastated them. This ash helps the system hold together and come around to holding energy again instead of constantly being drained.
Ash of Peacock Feather or Mayur Bhasma
Now the demand for this isn’t big enough to cause the extinction of peacocks, so I will mention it here. I really don’t like the use of animal anything medicinally, but you can get a lot of ash from even just one feather, and you only need such a little of it, so I think it’s sustainable.
This ash helps a system that is energetically screwed on wrong. It’s like something happened and the person’s energy field turned backwards or half the body turned one way and the other half the other way. The person’s not able to move in any direction because it’s a major screw up. The nervous system is messed up with the person first liking something and then throwing it up. Various nervous problems like abject terror of normally harmless things – like water, small insects and such, all respond well to this Ash.
Interestingly, it particularly works well for diabetics.
There was this case Granddad solved. The person had multiple time zones in his body. I’m not kidding. His left arm would fall asleep while his right arm was working! Parts of his body seemed so disconnected. He would fall asleep in the middle of cycling but his legs would keep cycling enough so he’d wake to find himself one mile down from where he was when he’d fallen asleep.
One part of him would be cold, and another hot. He developed the weirdest balding pattern ever. It was around his right ear like a semi circle and then spreading from there.
Granddad said he had a great sense of humor though and was so popular despite all of this. He’d lived with it for forty years or so when Granddad met him.
He took the ash of peacock feather for about two months and found a lot of the symptoms were reduced quite drastically and he felt like a new man and told Granddad that he’d been living in different time zones before and he was now mostly living in one time zone.
Something to think about, Ed…
Sea Shell Ash or Shankha Bhasma
Sea shells are powerful because they develop so hard and resistant through daily exercise with water. They’re a constant in the ever ebbing and flowing water. Sea shell ash is a medicine to restore health to the parts of us that have lost the ability to be flexible and work with changing situations.
This is actually critical because our very life depends on us reacting to everything. We need to react to food, or we’ll end up poisoned. We need to react to weather, to everything.
However when we are too bombarded by sensory and vibrational sensations to the point where we’re too tired to react anymore, or are too traumatized to, you could call this an energetic rehabilitation of our reactive functions.
It’s most often marketed as a medicine for GERD and digestive imbalances, but that’s just one aspect of reactivity.
It’s quite powerful in stopping hair loss due to continued stress, heals internal scar tissue and so on.
Being a product of water, it supports all the water processes of the body in normalizing. That would mean kidney problems and so on.
Those are my top three favorite ashes, but there are many available – Tin ash called “Vang Bhasma” is for recovery from hearing or auditory or vibrational trauma. All those who watch the news these days could use it. 😉
Iron Ash or “Loh Bhasma” helps the body recover from energetic draining through blood. Now you don’t have to lose actual physical blood to be drained through blood. Emotional energy draining and actual physical blood draining set off the same set of effects in the body. Iron Ash helps build resistance to emotional energy draining and recover from such draining in the past.
Ok, those were my top 5 favorite ashes.
And now for my department.
All the plants that bloom in the day are positive energy fields and stimulate the body.
All the plants that bloom after 3 in the afternoon are negative energy fields and rest the body.
However, whichever you take, the body will go the other way naturally.
For example if I push Gabriel on the swing forward, he will naturally come backward as well.
That is why most herbs aren’t exactly going to affect polarity in the body in any significant way. (Thank God.)
There is however a class of herbs that like Macbeth’s worst enemy,
Bloometh not only in the day, nor only in the night,
Groweth not on the ground, yet not in the sky;
Hunteth not its own food; yet does not die;
Drinketh not its own water; yet doth not dry.
(Oh my God, someone clap for me. That was spontaneous. Hallelujah.)
(Please Ed, don’t try correcting the grammar.)
But there is such a class of herbs. “Science,” evil that they are, call them parasites. But they are not parasites. It’s only that their role in nature is hidden from the foolish.
These are the plants- Mistletoe, Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) and the Ghost Plant or Monotropa Uniflora. Of course there are others out there but these are my favorites, who I know well.
These three are energetic polarity balancers. They simply provide the nutrition and energetic example of being energetically balanced, in a state of personal flow. Right here, but not participating in the environment like the others. You know what I mean.
It’s about holding your own in a contrary world. And physically its about finding hormonal and energetic balance your own way.
A lot of the time, we’re energetically imbalanced because we’re exposing ourselves to experiences we don’t WANT to have. In such cases we force ourselves to interact, to verbalize, to stretch ourselves out beyond what our energy is willing to invest in.
It’s like the whole world is dedicated to pulling you out of yourself, to be someone else, to lose all you have trying to be something else.
We develop energy imbalances when we’re pulled, and stretched like that. Especially when we do that to ourselves.
These herbs have the consciousness of being able to be oneself without stretching outside of one’s acceptable domain, finding a way to maintain peace in oneself.
And now I must make an honorable mention out of integrity.
Please don’t the shoot the messenger.
But one of the greatest polarity balancers of all time, is natural Tobacco.
I don’t know how the plant does it. I am not the expert on it and I do not use it as part of of my treatment formally.
What I do know is, I was very energetically imbalanced once, terrible over-stimulated, and over-eating out of sheer anxiety. And I saw organic tobacco leaf, was attracted to it and put two pinches in hot water and had it as tea.
For better or worse, it immediately changed my energy field polarity. Maybe its famous anti-anxiety properties caused my energy field to balance out. But I have tried it in other circumstances when I wasn’t anxious but imbalanced for other reasons. And it worked.
For the first time I understand why the powers that be are obsessed with it on one hand and make war on it on the other hand.