The Soul has a Homeland; Healing Energy Depression & Upper-Lower Body Conflict

The phenomenon of people getting energy and strength from other places they feel they belong to; Strained connection to soul-homeland as a cause of energy depression and upper-body versus lower body conflict.  Dear Ed, On an Instagram account I follow, a hypnotherapist spoke of how a client of his said in hypnosis that she’s connected … Read more

Herbal Energies to Cope with Isolation and Recover from Isolation Trauma

 Herbs are not like pills which while being ‘active’ do not carry living consciousness. Herbs have consciousness just like us and that is why they are the medicine of choice and instinct for animals in our world. They have the nutrients to help our bodies when we’re running low. And they have the natural … Read more

Increase Nerve Force with Herbs, Food & Lifestyle Changes

One of the first signs of the process commonly called ‘premature aging’, is simply a decrease in nerve force. Nerve force, very simply is the energy with which electrical signals go from one nerve cell to another. When we find ourselves reacting to something slowly and with tiredness it means our nerve force is less. … Read more

Herbs to Strengthen the Heart, Build Emotional Resilience

When you strengthen the heart, you strengthen every part of you and find relief from problems that were not responding before. To strengthen a weak or tired heart, on every level, herbs can help. They’re living beings like us. They open our sub-conscious tunnels and caves and cupboards, awaken deep things in us and help … Read more