Herbs to relax Heart Muscle Tension and release PTSD patterns

When we go through traumatic episodes one too many times, we learn to hold some parts of us tight, sometimes so tight that those parts of us, let’s say an area of the heart muscle for example, that the place becomes hard, taut, and even develops scar tissue or adhesions over the years.

These are notoriously hard to discover by xray or other methods because they aren’t so easy to see. But they are felt indeed and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

Very often, it is years before we notice exactly where we’ve got a hard part of an organ wall. By then the nerves and muscles in the area have fallen into the habit of being tense and staying taut, compromising blood circulation, causing that organ to be sluggish or hyperactive and/or malfunction.

Relaxing the internal organs is not as easily achieved as say – relaxing your shoulders – simply because the nervous impulses that manage these organs, are not so much controlled by the voluntary nervous system as they are by the involuntary, by the limbic system, ie., by those parts of us that are not as quick wired to our intention as our fingers or our legs.

For example, we can’t relax the heart muscle by making it go limp as we can do with our hand.

The heart needs for those things which keep it tense, to stop being there, and then it will relax. The same goes for the uterus, the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, the brain too, all the glands.

For a long term cramp, taut area, scar wall of an organ to be healed, the atmosphere of the body will have to change. What’s causing the tension will have to go and stay gone.

The HABIT of holding the tension in that area will to go.

Now, there are three major muscle tension trigger areas in the body and these work as relaxers as well. Modern science does not acknowledge them but every human instinctively knows them, because they are so closely connected to our survival and well-being on a soul level.

The tongue, the sexual organs and the heart or chest or breast region.

What the palms are to the brain, the way they and the face reflect the brain, so the tongue, the sexual organs and the breasts or chest area reflect the condition of the functional internal organs of the body.

If you went to a neurologist, a brain doctor, they could tell just by looking at your face – where it droops, how it aligns and so on, a lot about the state of the brain. Recording nerve impulse in the fingers is a famous lie detection method because of how quickly what’s happening in the brain shows up in the fingers, twitching them, moving them.

In the same way, our internal organ function, the ‘working’ of our body, our ‘life’ function – that which keeps us living, can be seen from the tongue and nose (imagine them as one instead of two separate things), the sexual organs and the heart area and can be healed from there too.

The internal organs that are in trauma can be relaxed and healed by massaging these areas consistently with relaxing essential oils.

For example – Cypress, Rose, Spikenard are famous relaxers but whichever smells relax you, whichever is the fragrance that makes you go “aaahhhhh” that’s the one you need.

Believe it or not, for those with severe heart pain, the smell of a chemical called ‘Ammonium Nitrate’ that wouldn’t be called ‘pleasant’ in any sense of the word, gives almost instant relief.

Some like the smell of lanolin or sheep skin oil, some petrol, some diesel and other smells others would consider repelling.

However, when the trauma is a long term matter, things go the other way around, and these areas can be healed and relaxed only when the organs inside relax.

In these situations herbs taken internally can make the biggest fastest difference.

We’re talking long term tension, we’re talking about cells grown tight against each other like soldiers in a battle formation, the aim being to prevent the enemy from getting past.

We’re actually talking about a sort of internal civil resistance.

Let me give you a simple example.

A person exposed to repeated betrayal by those close to them, develops a heart cramp – that mostly imperceptible reaction we have to emotional shock and pain, that over time results in the back of the heart muscle wall, hardening.

This person experiences in their life an emotional condition where they can be friendly and loving but there’s a point at which they switch off and cannot go further into intimacy with someone because there’s a wall there.

Quite literally, their heart muscle isn’t able to expand fully.

This results in various manifestations in their sexual activity, where they cannot have an orgasm ‘smoothly’ or ‘normally’ but need violent sensory pushing to break through the resistance. This naturally isn’t compatible with their real emotion and therefore they are in a state of split. They cannot hold the emotional thread from interaction to intimacy and to orgasm. It breaks off at the wall. If they are to have an orgasm at all now, they’ll have to break the wall with shock, terror, violence.

This is a common situation for those with PTSD of any sort, for some worse than others.

Becoming aware of the wall and consciously allowing love to get through is not as easy as it sounds, yet every day all over the world it happens.

Love heals everything, conquers everything.

On this journey however, there are some very very special herbs that can help. Nature has made these herbs in a beautiful state of consciousness that is immune and resistant to pain and trauma patterns.

There are two ways of relieving internal emotional and energetic pain and tension:

1) Experience out the pain.
2) Be in a state of consciousness that’s above the pain barrier

To experience out the pain, plants that are in the consciousness of triumph over pain, ie., “Yes this is hell, but damn I’m beautiful”, they help. They help us feel the pain without fear.

Typically these grow as ground cover where they could be trampled on by anyone, and yet they grow fearlessly and bloom flamboyantly.

The courage is stunning, simply simply stunning. North American has whole forests of this show of spirit warriors.
Arnica Montana, Golden Seal, Bloodroot or Sanguinaria Canadensis.

From the old world, there are the herbs that grow in the drains, in dirty water and swamps – which give a damn for their surroundings and bloom in fragrant triumph of spirit, their beauty shining out unrestricted. The beautiful lotus for example.

These spirit warriors when taken into the body change the behavior of the body from, “Oh no I’m dying,” to “I’ll be who I am no matter what,” and that gets the crap out and supports the flowering and manifestation of well-being, who we are, on every level in our bodies and our lives.

The Cactus family are warriors too. They grow in the driest most difficult places for a plant which depends on water to grow in, and they produce such exuberant wonderful blooms – stunning, simply stunning.

All these spirit warriors are traditional medicines for relieving pain directly – like Arnica Montana or indirectly through powerful killing off infection – like Golden Seal – Hydrastis Canadensis a powerful anti-cancer agent, and Bloodroot – such a powerful anti-cancer anti-tumor agent, they’ve banned ‘Black Salve which has Bloodroot in some countries like Australia because of the competition it gave the pharma and medical industry thriving on skin cancers.

Bloodroot –  Sanguinaria Canadensis

The Lotus grows in the dirtiest drains and swamps of the old world, refusing to let anything, anything disturb its sense of personal purpose, it’s own experience of beauty. While it has its nutritional benefits, its effect on an emotional and spiritual is something to be experienced.

The Rose, dares to bloom with weapons in her hands on all sides – the famous thorns. Nutritionally the fruit of the Rose is a most potent source of Vitamin C of fighting power. But its consciousness of spirit warriorhood is a whole other level.

The Cactus (Grandiflora) is a famous healer of heart problems and it isn’t quite possible to die of a heart attack while it is at hand.

It gives a damn for how ‘appropriate’ or sensible it is for tender beautiful petals to unfurl under the desert sun.

These are just some of the spirit warrior plants. When you go out on your walk next, keep your eyes open for spirit warriors facing the odds and overcoming the impossible around you – growing on almost nothing, growing out of the smallest cracks, achieving impossible feats while the world goes right by, experiencing the glory of the spirit despite everything.

And then there are:

2) Plants with the consciousness that’s above the fight.

Moutain Bauhinia, Spikenard, Pomegranate, Mountain Rhododendron, Mate (Mah-Tay – Ilex Paragueyensis)

These thrive at high altitudes where there’s no one but God looking at them, though they will grow in the plains as well. It makes no difference to them.

Spirit warriors rooted, drenched, soaked, emanating purpose, their vision filled with what is eternal, what is right, what is their own spirit purpose.

On a physical level these are famous old and ancient healers, perhaps the ultimate healers. On a holistic level they resolve all those issues that arise from confusion of purpose or the hard walls built up by resistance to one’s own spirit purpose.

For example, if someone loves to dance, but they’re stopped from dancing, and they internalize that and they themselves stop themselves from dancing. That self-resistance.

Just like those who won’t let themselves love fully because they’ve grown too hurt and betrayed, have that internal wall that manifests into actual organ wall hardness and cramps. That’s a sort of self resistance too.

These ethereal healers help a person come out of self-resistance zone, and fearlessly manifest their life purpose.

They relieve that feeling of futility that comes with being cut off from one’s spirit purpose.

Mountain Bauhinia or Bauhinia Variegata is a complete Pituitary restorative tonic. This means for any sort of long term hormonal imbalance where there’s pain, tightness, trauma in the reproductive organs or function, it will heal.

Spikenard – It makes blocked energy flow out from the center of the body. Do you need to know more? Here’s a whole article about it.

Pomegranate –  The fruit is famous – but the leaves and flowers. Maybe I’m biased. My ancestors depended on Pomegranate for medicine like people depend on salt for taste in food. Every medicine in the house had some form of pomegranate it. I tend to put it into everything too.
The leaves are calming and sedative and grow baby bones. The flowers have the consciousness effect I talk about in this article. The fruits- well I’ll leave that to the internet to describe.

Mountain Rhododendron

Up at 14,000 feet I saw them not giving a damn for limitations or boundaries. A blood builder in the worst of times. Any sort of anemia – especially the sort that’s often rooted in not believing life’s worth anything anymore, will be healed by Rhododendron or Azalea.

You have any sort of bullshit in your head about how ‘valid’ your existence is, Mountain Rhododendron will set you right.

Mate (Mah-Tay) or Yerba Ilex Paraguayensis


A spirit warrior who keeps the faith and the vision even when the oxygen levels are falling, and the heart is finding it hard to keep going, Mate is famous for supporting respiration and through it heart and blood circulation at high altitudes.

As we grow ‘dim’ because of trauma, and our organs and muscles in general don’t expand and contract as they should to allow the full flow of life energy through us, we stop breathing fully.

Mate with its consciousness of being fixed on life purpose, supports our failing insufficient breathing and slowly rehabilitates our ability to live knowing our purpose and our worth despite circumstances.

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