Herbs to increase heart beat strength and support blood cell making

Some months ago I wrote about how the quality of blood cells being made in the body lessens drastically when faced with shock, trauma or a life not satisfying to the spirit.

I recommended the simple exercise where you feel your heart beat. Exercises of awareness are so simple, yet their power is amazing and doing them is so worth the few minutes they take.

When you look at it very close, the core of blood building function is a strong robust balanced heart beat. Support heart beat strength and you’re healing everything everywhere. The heart beat is what pushes life all around.

Now here is an example of something like the ultimate blood building function rehab tonic. I made it recently for a child recovering from heavy radiation. Radiation is a shock and the anemia it produces is one of the hardest types of anemia to treat as the very blood making function of the body is compromised.

This recipe provides for very serious intense blood building rehabilitation. It works almost immediately and can change the homeostasis of the body around quite drastically over a few weeks when taken regularly.

Where a person has not been able to respond to other medicine due to extreme weakness, this mix will provide the SOS help required to make the person rally.

In any emergency where is weakness caused by shock of any sort, this would be excellent first aid.

The herbs in this recipe are:

Mountain Ebony or Bauhinia Variegata
Rose Petals
Papaya leaf (young)
Pomegranate leaf and bud
Quis Qualis Indica – leaves and flowers
In Apple Cider Vinergar and Black Plum Vinegar

I make all of these together because the combination works so well and I use it for so many conditions, I don’t have to mix the ingredients in individually all over again every time I make it for someone.

Mountain Ebony or Bauhinia Variegata

We just had a wonderful flowering season after many years of Mountain Ebony. I could tell you all kinds of ways it helps the body but all you really need to know and remember is, it helps a scared or shocked or weak heart, keep beating. It increases heart beat strength. When this happens, automatically the rest of the body which takes its cue from the heart starts healing itself.

There’s this gap sometimes in the consciousness between what a person wants and them being able to invest the energy in that direction. Fear could be stopping us from crossing the bridge from dreaming into doing, or maybe a sense of insufficiency. Most often though, it’s fatigue. Long term, adrenal fatigue seems like something you just cannot get rid of.

But I can tell you from experience, that it’s quite easy to get rid of and one botanical that helps big-time is Mountain Ebony.

If you’ve got that anemic attitude to life where you look at things you like or would like to do and then turn away because you don’t think you or your life could make that happen, then you could do with some heart beat support, and something for PTSD would help as well.


Rose Petals & Rosehips

The flower and fruit of the Rose – how blessed are those who can have the Rose as a medicine. So commonly available yet such a powerful helper in all the challenges of life, because it offers vital support to the heart, blood and circulation. If you used just the rose as medicine in your life, you’d be quite alright in the long run.

Papaya leaf (young)

One of the rare botanicals that vigorously supports the making of blood platelets – a vital component of blood.

Long used in tropical areas for its powerful ability to fight the symptoms of dengue fever and malaria – which kill by lessening platelets in the blood, young Papaya leaves are used in my Super-antioxidant mix that is part of every treatment to support recovery from cancer that I make.

I have used it alone in a situation where it performed critical life support and turned a fever around that wasn’t coming down any other way. For a few hours, it stood between life and death, until the rest of the body was able to rally and respond to other medicine.

I consider it vital energy support, on the lines of Parsley for the brain and often combine the two for recovery from situations where blood circulation to the brain has been compromised.


Pomegranate leaf and bud

The pomegranate has been used traditionally in my family for general life support. The leaf and bud are especially helpful for situations which have some sort of starting trouble.

Energy confusion – where the person is sure but not sure but maybe sure but maybe not about some issue that is at the core of their life, and they are having starting trouble or having irregular rushes and then blockages of energy, can be greatly helped by the calm clarifying properties of Pomegranate leaf and bud.

Pomegranate leaf is a nervine in its own right; a strong decoction of the leaves can induce and support restful recuperative sleep.

Pomegranate bud is a tightener of the blood vessels – something like a astringent. It just tightens them up to stop leaking and slow passage of blood. It increases the strength of the vein walls and this contributes to an overall feeling of strength and vitality almost immediately.

Quis Qualis Indica – leaves and flowers

A most beautiful flower that blooms in the late afternoon and evenings, Quis Qualis supports the lymphatic system, the parts of us that make white blood cells that fight infection in the body and keep us in order.


In Apple Cider Vinegar and Black Plum Vinegar

Both the above are healers in their own right. Herbs extracted into them tend to work on a more holistic level than herbs extracted into alcohol. Black Plum or Damson Plum Vinegar is a powerful dose of immunity restorative nutrition for the body.

This recipe could be improved upon depending on your requirements. Many people need Mistletoe to help balance hormonal levels – it works wonderfully in combination with Mountain Ebony for hormonal balance.

Many others benefit from Milk Thistle, Dandelion and other liver function support to further support blood circulation.

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