Tag: Bloodroot

Don’t fear the pain. Migraines – Holistic Treatment

Letter to Ed about my Granddad’s way of treating a chronic migraine, herbs for rehabilitation from migraine, and an exercise to realign the spine for pain relief. 

Ed, a headache or, in its extreme form, called a Migraine, can be caused by so many different reasons – from hormonal extremes, to nervous tension, to dehydration, to liver congestion and even plain stress.

Essentially however, it is a call for immediate help from the energy field. It means that the brain which manages the functions of the body, is stressed, overworked and under-functioning and NO MORE WORK can be done at this time. Continue reading

Herbs to relax Heart Muscle Tension and release PTSD patterns

When we go through traumatic episodes one too many times, we learn to hold some parts of us tight, sometimes so tight that those parts of us, let’s say an area of the heart muscle for example, that the place becomes hard, taut, and even develops scar tissue or adhesions over the years.

These are notoriously hard to discover by xray or other methods because they aren’t so easy to see. But they are felt indeed and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

Very often, it is years before we notice exactly where we’ve got a hard part of an organ wall. By then the nerves and muscles in the area have fallen into the habit of being tense and staying taut, compromising blood circulation, causing that organ to be sluggish or hyperactive and/or malfunction. Continue reading