Intelligent Detox – Herbs that raise body intelligence

If your detoxification programs haven’t been working well enough, and if you have nutritional deficiencies even though you eat healthy enough, you need to remind your body to get back to sifting things properly.

The intelligence of herbs is amazing. They are living beings not dead chemicals. When we have whole herbs who have not been processed in a way that destroys their subtle energies, the herbs get into our bodies and teach the parts of us that are tired or have forgotten how to do things, how to do them efficiently again.

A very important aspect of detoxification and keeping clean on a regular basis, is for our bodies to know what to keep and what to throw out.

The usual herbs for detoxification, laxatives, and urinary stimulators, need the body to keep what’s needed instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. To do so, would be to cause a whole new set of problems where the body is chronically energy deficient and lacking in important minerals.

Tumors, various skin problems, these are among so many others the result of the body not knowing what to keep and what to let go of.

Very often a person who needs help in this area is also feeling overwhelmed by life, and at a loss to sift through what is valuable and what to let go of or forget about. The same herbs work on all levels to help the body and soul together.

Here are some of my favorite herbs with the intelligence that they lend us to help sift efficiently:

Papaya – What belongs, What doesn’t

Carica Papaya is in Paw Paw Ointment used to carry herbal treatments.


Just a simple tasty fruit. The papaya has the intelligence to know which cells belong in the area and which don’t. When the papaya knows this, the cells of the body pick up on that and realize which cells should go and which should stay. Now that’s intelligent detoxification.


Geranium Robertiana and Ginkgo – Bullshit Detectors

Above, Herb Robert and beneath is Ginkgo Biloba

These two grow even in radiation destroyed zones because they’re like the wise man who built his house upon a rock. They are conscious of what’s really important and what’s happening in the neighborhood is not a priority. They are grounded in their own reality.

When the energy fields of living beings are broken down for any reason, natural cells fall back into the basic ability to re-generate their own energy field based on basic reality that radiation and the like cannot touch.

These two are my favorite herbs for basic connectedness to reality and their ability to know what’s really needed and what is fluff. Bullshit detectors is what they are.


Lycopodium or Club Moss and Violet – Crisis managers, Detanglers

Above, Lycopodium, Beneath, Violets

These two know just how to manage things when the toxins and what’s required and valuable are so entangled and mixed up, the body has been keeping them both not knowing how exactly to solve the problem.

Eventually, as the presence of toxins increase, they trigger off crises as the body tries to throw them out desperately.

In crises like autoimmune disorders and allergies, these can help the body make sense of the confusion and sift out what to keep and what to send packing.

Heather – Calluna Vulgaris – Foreseeing future needs through tapping into DNA memory

An important part of sifting is being able to foresee the need for something. To do this our cells need to be in touch with the memory in our dna that tells us based on the past what we can expect in the future. Heather has that intelligence to help us tap into our dna memory and make decisions about what to keep and what to send out.

Mimosa Pudica – Just say No

‘Touch me Not’ or ‘The Sensitive Plant’; This plant has been used to help sensitive nervous systems as it itself is so sensitive. Its intelligence however goes deeper. It is sensitive to the environment as well and senses changes in pressure all around it and adjusts its own internal pressure accordingly to open or close its leaves. It helps our body be sensitive to the situation we are in and reject that which pressures or pushes us beyond what we can deal with.

It helps us simply say No to toxins – anything which is causing more trouble than helping us.


Lantana; Lungs-Liver-Sexual Blocks, Radiation Flu Recovery

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