Herbs for Energetic Shocking – Numbness, Necrosis Treatment

What necrosis is; Juggy’s Unusual Necrotic Tissue Healing; The role of the Heart in necrosis; Herbs for Energy Body Shocking and Re-establishment of Life Energy Connections Dear Ed, I just saw on Twitter, a photo of a man whose foot went necrotic, that means, “died” after he got the you-know-what-that’s-being-marketed-and-mandated worldwide. But it made me … Read more

Herbs for Paralysis, Palsy caused by Nervous Trauma or Vibrational Attack

A description of how I used a plant poison for first-aid with a heart attack and to save my child Gabriel from paralysis brought on by vaccination; Herbs that work on a frequency level to rehabilitate the nervous system from shock and trauma patterns Dear Ed, In the days I was recovering from my severe … Read more

Herbs for Overworked Brains

There are some people who never have brain burnouts; calm people who fall in the categories of low intelligence and the very intelligent. If you’re one of the lucky ones this article is not for you. This is for those who tend to use their brains in manic ways to the point where they feel … Read more