Converting energy; How the body’s energy cycle changes frequencies; Five causes of long term energy draining; Pictures of Morning Glory
Dear Ed,
Granddad taught me that the basic vital energy in our bodies, that’s stored, that is, not being used in active processes, is sexual energy.
If someone is low on sexual energy, it means that the majority of their energy is not stored, it’s active and being used and not available for sexual processes – which include skin, bone, teeth, hair, hormonal glands and reproductive system processes and maintenance. Yes, all that comes under sexual energy processes.
So it’s just one simple thing – If you’re low on sexual energy, need energy to flow to the above mentioned areas, you have to stop converting energy so much out of storage to the other processes of the body.
We convert energy out from storage or sexual state when we NEED it – such as to digest food, “burn calories”, think, express things and so on.
If we are low on sexual energy, it means that, way more energy than is necessary is going to other processes.
If way more energy than is necessary is going towards our waking processes, it means we’re over-reacting to things, getting over stimulated, over doing something for sure.
When I first began to understand this, Ed, I was really irritated. I felt I wasn’t able to be as active as I wanted to be, wasn’t investing as much focused attention as I should in what I wanted to do.
It seemed ridiculous to me to think I was overdoing something, when I felt I was under-doing everything, putting off things and just under-functioning in everything.
12 years later, I look back and see that in fact, I was,converting energy out unnecessarily.
When I was heavily pregnant, and through giving birth and after, when the demands of a newborn took over my life, all of a sudden I stopped the things I’d been doing before that took up my energy unnecessarily and to my shock and surprise I actually had more energy to do critical tasks I really wanted to but had been too “brain fogged” or fatigued to do before.
A few days after Gabriel was born, when I was able to sit at my computer again, my brain working for twenty minutes before I crashed out again, I installed a website database, something I’d found way too technical and complicated for me before. I couldn’t believe it!
This was even though my sleep cycle was shattered by the baby and his schedule. I had a lot of mental and emotional stress too, so it wasn’t like the physical demands of a newborn were the only thing I had to deal with. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said, it was a near hell situation. And yet, my energy situation was way way better than before.
As Gabriel is a special needs child, I have had to continue more or less functioning on very little sleep, and several other aspects of my situation wouldn’t be considered easy or ideal, more like “extremely demanding and high stress”.
Yet, energetically I’m so much more efficient now than I was before I got pregnant. I’m definitely a lot more intelligent – energy flow to my brain has more than doubled. Hahahahhahah you’d probably wonder – “If this is how she is on double energy, how bad was it before!” Yeah, it was pretty bad.
I seemed to be actually awake and aware only a few hours a day and sometimes I felt I woke up really, only on the weekend on my “have fun” day, long enough to eat all my favorite snacks, watch my favorite shows on tv, post some crazy emotional/ wannabe romantic stuff on my then fb account (I used to be real popular when I was talking useless crap – there would be 60 likes and 200 comments on a dumb post like, “I’m getting fed up of being a virgin.” Now my social media accounts get blocked at 2 followers. 🙁 ) .
I used to clean the house and do laundry once in weeks. ALL the clothes I owned would be hanging out to dry at one go. I would have coffee for breakfast and instead of feeling awake I’d go back to sleep.
The times I went out in the day, my eyes would scrunch up and squint and water,because – sunlight was too bright for me.
But now, with all the demands on me, I do more in one day than I did in a month then.
Then I used to have a lot of different supplements and health foods and herbal medicine just to keep me alive.
Now, I have no supplements and only my own herbal medicine – that’s diluted herbal energies in Epsom salts, a few drops, twice or thrice a day. Every few weeks I stop for a few weeks and I do fine. I start back just because I need to be in touch with the energy of my own work, I need to feel myself the energy of what I’m sending out to others. That’s it.
What I’m trying to say, is that whatever we eat or not, whatever our lifestyle, no matter what sort of stress we face, whatever level of medicinal supplements we’re on, we can be energy efficient. We’re designed to do well in varying situations which include high stress situations, situations where we have less nutrition, situations where we’re not supported as much as we’d like by others.
If we can just keep our basic energy cycle going, we can be energy efficient.
When we’re converting out energy in the right proportions for our waking activities, we have enough left in storage for all the sexual and reproductive energy processes.
To understand this further, I must remind you:
We never actually “lose” or “gain”energy. It’s a law of physics called the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Our energy cycle is like this:
Stored Energy or Sexual Energy or Sleeping Energy -> Converted to waking energy -> Used for digesting food, moving, expressing ourselves, learning, thinking etc. -> Just like light air moves up from the earth’s surface, then on being cooled up high in the atmosphere, condenses into water droplets, becomes heavy and falls to the earth as dew or rain; so our energy comes back down from the high frequencies of waking processes to the low frequencies, resting frequencies and then back down into sexual energy or stored as it comes into sleep frequency.
If we don’t have enough sexual energy or energy in general it’s usually because the rate at which we’re converting energy upwards into higher waking frequencies is more than the rate at which we’re converting downwards into resting and sleeping frequencies, to continue the cycle of energy in our bodies.
Stimulation converts energy upwards into waking frequencies, resting or de-stimulation converts energy downwards into sexual and stored energy.
So for the majority of us, “more” stored or sexual energy is available simply by reducing upward stimulation as much as possible.
When we stop being over-stimulated, automatically our base body frequency will fall down from being hyper, our converted energy will condense back faster into stored and sexual energy – of which we’ll already have a good stock of.
The entire modern “world” system, Ed, is aimed at converting energy out from humans, animals, plants, the earth herself; indiscriminately. Medicines are stimulating, stimulating, stimulating, the education systems, mass media programming… everything is about stimulation.
It’s keeping whole populations drained, dependent on artificial energy supplementation for basic needs.
When I realized what was happening with my body, Ed, I felt really helpless. I couldn’t understand how to proceed with de-stimulating my self as I was already doing whatever I could to be more calm and rested.
But as my soul kept searching, I began to see how my energy was being over-stimulated or “drained” in huge ways right under my nose.
While I became wise to emotional energy manipulation and vampirism early on, it took me a while to understand that reactive emotions, such as one might experience in dramatic confrontations or incidents that evoke emotion, are not really responsible for any permanent lasting effect on the energy management of the body.
What really effects our bodies and lives is the long term attitudes and habits and thought patterns we have, that irritate and aggravate and trouble us in our subconscious constantly. Little by little they break us.
They keep us in emotional STATES of being of restraint, bondage, confusion, depression, pain; when our mind has moved far on; we just don’t know why we’re still being held back. (I write to you about this a lot: Since when has your life been sc*ewed? Emotional Reaction Vs. Emotional State; How to Holistically Stabilize Energy Levels; Energy Flow from Consciousness to Body.)
I have truly paid the price, Ed, to learn what I’m telling you. The effect of the following on a person’s body and life are so so so very huge.
Serious long term regular energy draining ie. over-stimulation and then prevention of return to rest, is caused by:
1) Not knowing the truth about one’s identity
When you believe you’re someone that your body doesn’t agree with, you have to constantly fight your own system to keep playing the role your mind believes is real.
This is such a serious issue, and knowing one’s own identity such a critical human right, that worldwide there are laws that adopted children should be told their birth parents’ identities when they are of age. In reality that is not enough. Children should never be lied to about their identity. Period. I write this because of my own personal experience. I only found out about my birth identity when I was 23. The years I had before, I never lived really. You can’t start to live; your energy doesn’t even begin to flow out till you know your birth identity. You live paused, waiting and waiting and not knowing what for. It’s a sort of hell there’s no name for.
Now mine is an extreme case, Ed, but I have seen that matters of identity trouble many people who even know the truth about themselves so to speak.
However you look at it, until we actually know and face the truth about the basic important things of us as a person, we expend huge amounts of energy playing a role that our body and subconscious doesn’t recognize or accept.
2) Overstimulating Food
You wouldn’t believe, Ed, unless you tried it, how much our modern diets are overstimulating our bodies causing hyper energy conversion. Food that’s just simply nourishing and nothing else but that, is just not in fashion. Our ancestors ate boiled potatoes and meat, or bread and milk or milk, and simple things like that the majority of their lives. The things they ate at festivals on Sundays, we can now eat them everyday if we want. They’re all available in the supermarket, we don’t even need to cook them.
Special foods with their many layered spices and such were made for special occasions. The body can enjoy those and benefit too. But on a daily basis they’re overstimulating.
I learned serious lessons about how sensitive the human gut is when I was breastfeeding Gabriel. If I had pepper in my food, he’d be up half the night having to be burped. If I had extra garlic in my food, he’d get overheated and sometimes get heat rashes.
We are all always sensitive to what we eat, but as we grow we begin to live with those side effects of the over stimulating food and become insensitive the report of the nerves in the digestive system. This causes so many problems on so many levels. Our moods, attitudes, consciousness even is affected by the experience of the nerves in our digestive system.
We can rehabilitate these nerves by stopping over stimulating them.
I was in this natural remedies group on Facebook where people were advocating these drastic detox protocols that involved acidic irritants such as lemon and vinegar in huge amounts. If it irritates your skin don’t subject the internal linings of the body to it. Dilute it to where it doesn’t assault the nerve endings.
In general if we could just stop bombarding the body with heavy and complex foods, we’ll immediately see the difference.
Foods that are overheated, are energetically stimulated themselves and pass that on to the body. For example, oil that is heated beyond a certain temperature, and anything cooked in it is stimulating and will stimulate the body. Changing to roasting or grilling vegetables, seasoning, meat etc and then pouring oil over them – the way you would on a salad, just before eating, immediately lessens the toll on the body while providing the same nutrition.
Mixing different oils and fats, similarly overstimulates the body as the liver has to work overtime to digest those. Ie. if you’re cooking a meat, cook it in its own fat if possible. That’s how it used to be done traditionally.
Keep the stimulating herbs and spices for special days and special dishes.
Just keep everything simple. These are just my own observations, everyone’s got to find what works for them.
The fact though that’s universal is that the change in moods and energy levels when food is not over stimulating is amazing. Especially for women and children whose systems are even more vulnerable than men’s bodies, to the excessive heat generated by over stimulating foods.
3) Sexual Shame
It appears to me, Ed, that despite most people today believing that one should celebrate rather than feel ashamed for their natural innate sexuality, in reality I have never seen so much sexual shame around. You see Ed, overcoming sexual shame is not about saying, “This is OK, that is OK,” it’s about no longer consulting anyone else on what’s ok and what’s not. The proliferation of sexuality shaming is so pervasive in the mass consciousness, that the moment someone wonders IF they’re dressed OK (where OK = other’s approval or acceptance), the sexual shaming in the mass consciousness hits them right in the gut.
It’s beyond sexuality; it’s about us feeling we need permission or approval of others to be who we are. And that we have to change ourselves if we don’t match other’s ideas of what’s right or wrong.
I’ve been watching old episodes of those “Big Boss/ Big Brother” type shows and I’ve been seeing how the contestants all go around in circles trying to prove they’re the most correct according to the mass consciousness.
Someone said, “You can’t stoop low enough to please the devil.”
Sexual shame, especially if it is locked away deep inside, while our mind believes we are free of it, is a horrible poison.
There was this woman, a farmer in Scotland. She’d taken over the farm after her parents passed on. She was what could be called a success story in every way. But one evening she said this very sadly to my Granddad who used to visit there often. She said to him, “You see the logs in the fire there? How they’re burning? I live in the fire, but I never burn.”
You see Ed, somewhere deep down she was closed to actual passion. She couldn’t burn. She told Granddad over some more drinks (Granddad’s method of healing people over 18. 😉 ), that when she was little someone had called her a “little wh***”, because she’d been dancing around the house with her hair loose and draped in a bed-sheet which flowed behind her. She’d gotten so hurt, she’d spent her whole life trying to prove she wasn’t a wh***. She was 58 then, and had lost hope of ever experiencing passion. But Granddad said that she changed her life around and did find passion and that she was one of those people who’d blast her way through rock to find happiness, if she had to, she had life force like that in her blood. Granddad said she’d found “magnificent” love.
Isn’t that something, Ed? I remember the way he said it, “A magnificent love.”
Something about the way Granddad said that, made me realize that sexual shame takes it toll in restricting what could have been a magnificent life to something not even tolerable really.
4) Spiritual Discomfort
When we’re spiritually uncomfortable, we are constantly converting out energy to resist the influence of whatever is troubling us. It’s war going on under the surface.
Recently Ed, I was made aware of the use of clothing as a weapon. Unfortunately I cannot remember the name of the book or its author, an African pastor talking about the use of black magic to attract people to his church. This man wasn’t able to attract people to his church so he ended up on this journey where he paid for rituals to be done for him and so on. Now I happen to know this is common all over the world.
The thing interesting to me was the author’s description of how these rituals that involved cruelty and murder of children, very often the unborn, often had as a feature, this particular color , a particular shade – a frequency if you will – that the ritual doer was supposed to wear, and have others around wear, like branding. This shade of color was then no longer just another color, but a color that was a tool of mass consciousness telecast and/or attack.
It reminded me of how, when I was growing up in Bangalore, in South India, every year in September, the place would be awash with people wearing a particular peach color. In buses and on the street, in shops and elsewhere that particular peach color could be seen. I found out that that’s the color the devotees who went to the Basilica of St. Mary wore for about a month during the feast of St. Mary. As someone brought up in a Catholic environment, I found it strange and going against my commonsense that God would require such a thing in exchange for anwering people’s prayers.
At another time of the year, the place would be awash with men wearing black lungis (sarongs). A hindu temple based movement required men to wear that particular black garment for 40 days while abstaining from sex, before they traveled to that temple to pray for whatever.
The thing is, “spiritual” practices are often associated with certain color frequencies; these are commonly used for branding companies and commercial enterprises, and I have personally experienced that those people who do not vibe with the spiritual roots of a brand, experience serious discomfort when they’re wearing that branded clothing.
I personally have experienced on several occasions that spiritual discomfort with something we wear regularly or use in cooking, or use as part of lifestyle , can be such a drain that stopping the use of that, can feel like a release from life bondage. The relief is so huge and the energy change so palpable that I include it as a most important thing to do to heal holistically.
This is just one example of something we wouldn’t normally consider an issue, but which actually troubles us.
Spiritual discomfort with clothes and other parts of our lifestyle uh as jewellery, is something that should not be ignored or pushed under the carpet just because our mind cannot understand it.
So many times in my life, I’ve come across instances where I experienced or someone told me they were depressed every time they wore a particular item of clothing.
If one wants to, one can overcome that, but spiritual discomfort is our spirit saying something, and I’ve found that it’s best to follow our spiritual instinct and get rid of things without trying to rationalize it all.
I have done this a lot in my life, because I am highly sensitized against certain “practices”.
When I was 15, a “friend” gave me this purple top I simply LOVED. But the 12 hours I wore it one day, had me near committing suicide. I just wanted to take something sharp and kill myself. It was something alien to me. I couldn’t understand what was happening to me. I wasn’t exactly happy in life, but the manic depression I experienced was something else. Such darkness and hopelessness choked me that I felt I had to die immediately just to breathe. I fell on the floor of my room crying to God to help me. I felt my heart speaking, “Change out of the purple top immediately. Throw it away.”
In exactly a minute, as I took the top off, I experienced a return to normalcy that was so drastic that to this day I never ever write off or wave away as inconsequential the effect of things we use in life on our moods and health and lives.
It’s different for everyone, but I’m telling you all this Ed, because dealing with spiritual discomfort can make such a change for the better. Even simply being aware of how the things we touch and wear and use feel to our spirit can make such a difference.
5) Trying to be neutral
I wrote about this recently. How it’s the No. 1 drainer of energy on a constant regular basis. It takes SO MUCH energy for us to ever keep neutral on ANYTHING. By virtue of existing in a body we have a definite polarity and other definite characteristics which make us definitely have a position on everything, that isn’t neutral. So when we try to be neutral, we’re actually pretending. And that takes a huge toll.
And the No. 1 biggest constant drainer of life energy is…
I have a lot to say on this topic Ed, as I’ve spent my life observing energy flow in living beings, but I’ll stop for now. Knowledge about these things isn’t a big deal. Making changes to our lifestyle is the big deal.
I leave you with a beautiful drawing I recently came across. It was drawn a hundred and twenty three years ago, in 1898, by Stanislaw Wyspianski.
I’ve seen a lot of drawings of plants and flowers but never one where the artist’s pencil depicted the energy flow in lines and curves that I see when I look at plants. I don’t think anyone in history has drawn the energy flow that makes young leaves so sprightly and taut.
And here to rest your eyes, are also some beautiful pictures of Morning Glory I took recently. They remind me that bars which are made to restrict and restrain, can also be used to climb.