When Illnesses Feed Off Each Other, Build Resistance to Imbalance with Poisons, Aphrodisiacs & Grounding Herbs

One day when I was very frustrated with a whole lot of problems that were all feeding off each other, the Crow-Rat-Lizard-Mite principle came to me and made things clear.

Imagine you have a beautiful but delicate carpet that for some reason has gotten infested with mites in an area. You don’t want to bleach or do anything there that could ruin the carpet itself, but you do have to get the mites out immediately.

In comes a lizard and carefully picks out the mites. But lizard grows fat and happy and decides to live there. Continue reading

Release Pain caused by Buried or Suppressed Memory – Herbs & an Exercise

A huge amount of actual pain, soreness, even ‘deadness’ pain is what they call psychosomatic ie. pain without a physical cause at the root of it. Once you’ve treated it with herbs for let’s say – muscle soreness (Arnica, Comfrey), nerve pain, inflamation (St. John’s Wort, White Willow) and so on, and nothing’s worked really to get rid of the pain fully, it means the pain, while it might have a physical component, could be being held in place by something emotional or energetic. Continue reading

Herbal Treatment for Brain and Nervous Toxin Removal

Herbal Treatment for Brain and Nervous Toxin Removal

This is for the person who for a long time (months at least) has not had the rest they need to clean out and regenerate the brain. Those who have been insomniacs for a long time with no resolution of the situation, parents of new borns, pregnant women, care-givers of those who need help day and night and so on.

Then there are those who accumulate brain toxins as a result of a lack of oxygenation to the brain. Lack of physical exercise, lack of enough mental stimulation, all this can make the brain lag behind in its clean-up work.

To clean out brain toxins I do not use strong herbal extracts. They are not necessary and can be counter-productive as we do not want to stress or over-stimulate the brain while getting it to clean house.

The herbal extracts I use are in very small doses, but from sources I am very sure are hardy. This is even more important here than otherwise because the parts of the herbs that affect the brain are the first ones lost through a plant not being itself stimulated enough through its own life-cycle. A plant or tree that's been over-cared for is not going to have those aspects of a herb that we need for the delicate job here.

This is a delicate fine job, because essentially what we're looking at, is caring for the nerve endings and highly specialized sensitive little cells in the brain.

We start with Parsley. A common enough herb. If you get organic naturally grown parsley there's nothing else like it. A direct brain energizer and not poisonous no matter how much of it you have.

Jaborandi This one's a tree whose bark has anti-inflammatory properties. That means it soothes burning. Should there be inflammation anywhere in the body, like in the joints (arthritis etc) Jaborandi's the one for the job. It is useful in this mix for the brain and nervous system because it's the equivalent of a fire extinguisher.

As the herbal mix is taken day after day Jaborandi slowly begins to put out little glowing embers of fires in the nervous system. It also has some nutrients that actually supply burned out nerve endings and over-heated cells in repair.

Scullcap is a famous nervine. I use it because it relaxes the brain. We need that, because until the brain's relaxed it's not going to realize it's time to do things like clean up.

Gingko is another famous brain tonic. What it's doing in this combination is supplying the nutrients the brain needs to do the cleaning up. It has all of that and then something very special that's beyond the realm of the measurable. Whether you believe in that sort of thing or not, the truth is many - too many people - have found that Gingko supports cognitive awareness. That means the ability to know, "This is what is happening. This is what this means for me."

When you want to clean out the brain, you need things that support this intelligent understanding of life, because there are little nerve endings and cells all clenched and knotted up because there's something they've seen or felt that they could not process. Intelligence is needed to process this stuff and then the cells and nerve endings can relax again. Gingko helps this happen and therefore it is invaluable here.

I use Cactus because it supports blood circulation and normalizes nervous frequency. Think of a cactus in the desert. It's hot in the day, very hot, directly under the burning sun. Then it's night and it's cold, very cold. The cactus goes through this every day, calm and steady. What is considered extreme for others, is normal for the cactus. This steadiness, this stability in the face of extremes, this is what the cactus helps our brain and nerves with. We need this calm to do the clean-up process.

Mistletoe is a powerful balancer of body temperature. The brain and nerve endings are very sensitive to body temperature and are often more affected than we realize by heat or cold. Those who need the brain cleaned out, could get stuck in the process if the body is too susceptible to changes in the temperature around.

The 'mercury' sort is what some practitioners call people whose body temperature goes through extremes more often than others - like mercury heating up and cooling down very quick.

While that's natural for some people and they thrive despite that, others find they become like that because of hormonal imbalance, stress, pregnancy issues, long term dehydration etc. Cold hands and feet, or an overly hot head, all are signs the person could use some temperature balancing.

Mistletoe repairs the body's ability to manage temperature. It does so by working on both hormones and circulation.

And now we come to the exciting bit. Laburnum and Larkspur. Both of these are considered poisonous though no one knows anyone who actually was so hungry they ate these and died.

They're both flowers.

Laburnum has a chemical that works just like nicotine (cigarettes!) but 'not as bad' (according to the old texts). We needn't bother about it though as a very tiny dose of it is enough for what we want to use it for. It wakes up the sleeping parts of the brain - the parts of the brain that do the sorting, the parts of the brain that say, "I don't want this so I'm throwing it out," and, "This is good for me, I want it."

Laburnum's famous use as a poison, it seems to me, was more about its ability to stimulate the brain into hyper-action for a while, making the person vulnerable to exploitation during the resulting period of complete brain fatigue.

In tiny doses we get the benefits of the stimulation without the dangers of what is obviously NOT a good thing - over-stimulation.

Larkspur is a beautiful flower with an amazing ability. It stimulates the parts of the brain and nervous system that respond to fine impulses from the environment. These are tucked right deep inside the brain. They're the elite of the brain. The highly specialized intelligence officers that don't bother themselves about every day matters, but keeping the big picture in mind react to those things that they consider either beneficial or dangerous to important things like, "Will I achieve my life's dream?"

When these fine little cells and the nerve endings associated with them get stimulated, they don't relax easily. They want to RESOLVE the matter.

In our days, what with all the terrible news in the media, anxiety and insecurity about life purpose, and the fulfilment of our deep goals are very common. The average person is more affected by the chance of their long term investments being threatened or lost than a dent on their car. That sort of worry is hard to let go of because to let go of that sort of issue, the person has to actually work out a plan of action, reach a point where they believe there's a way around the problem, or believe in divine help. It's a process that's not as simple as fixing a dent in the car door.

If we do not resolve them in a timely fashion, they stay there keeping those parts of the brain tired and then unable to maintain their own health and the cleanliness of their surroundings.

Larkspur can help the resolution of these background and long term tensions in the brain and nervous system, by bringing them to awareness.

It seems quite unbelievable at first - Can taking a herb bring out buried worries in your brain? You have to try it to see how it works. It's one of those wonders of life.

Mimosa Pudica or 'Touch-me-not' is a sensitive plant with all the nutrients and abilities that sensitive parts of the brain and nervous system need. It helps calm and stimulate at the same time. It is a healer of wounds so deep and so tiny, the brain itself might not call it a wound, even though it hurts. Mimosa helps.

And finally, Glonoine. This one's not a herb but has been used alongside herbs for over a century now - one of those rare few good things that came out of labs. It means Glycerine - Oxygen -Nitrogen, which is what it, nitro-glycerine, is made of.

A very tiny tiny bit of it in this mix adds support for circulation to the brain. A sort of first-aid for those whose brain and nerves react violently to things, taken in tiny doses over a few days or weeks it helps bring normalcy to the system.