The importance of gut bacteria and probiotics like yoghurt and kefir especially after taking pharmaceutical medication is well known. This article is about using herbs for permanent rehabilitation of the digestive system from long term chronic indigestion.
Very often there are issues like low self esteem, fear-based eating that are at the heart of chronic digestive problems. The herbs mentioned in this article are not just physical chemicals that affect the physical parts of the body. They are wholesome energies that influence the psyche of the person having them. That’s why it is indeed possible to actually have a turnaround in long standing problems.
The following five steps can help with even the most severe chronic problems of the digestive system. The key is to be consistent.
The 5 Steps to Rehabilitate your Digestive System from Long Term and Chronic Indigestion with Herbs are:
1) Raise basic vital energy.
2) Relax and rehabilitate the tense nerves, muscles of the abdomen.
3) Soothe and nourish the internal linings of the digestive system, for better absorption of nutrients.
4) Stimulate and Balance the Liver.
5) Restore sleep cycle.