Hormones don’t make Feelings. Feelings make Hormones.

The Heart triggers off hormone production in the body. It’s the truth we’re not told because it would end the pharma industry that sells artificial and second hand hormones and hormone triggers.

If you’re serious about natural hormonal balance, the way is through the heart.

Here are 5 things about Hormones and the Heart you need to know:

1. Hormones don’t make feelings. Feelings make hormones.
2. The Heart frequency is the Earth frequency, is the Reality frequency.
3. Hormones produced by the Heart trigger off hormone production in the body. Make your own home food.
4) Your Body is your Heart. An exercise to release pain.
5) Steer clear of a pseudo heart frequency.

1. Hormones don’t make feelings. Feelings make hormones, and hormones make the body respond to those emotions with certain reactions.

A disruption in the translation from feelings to hormones causes depression. The person feels things but cannot translate them into mental realization and physical response which is the completion of the cycle.

The most common reason for this disruption is emotional suppression. If you don’t let yourself feel what you’re feeling, you’ll not allow the cycle of hormones to go fully through you.

2. The Heart frequency is the Earth frequency, is the Reality frequency

H E A R T  is an anagram of  E A R T H.

The Hearth was what the place near the fire in the center of a house used to be called, where the warmth went from to every corner, where the food was cooked.

Heart is Hearth of your Body.

The scientists have it that there’s a difference in the frequency between the heart and the earth, but in truth and in functional reality, the frequency of the heart is the frequency of the earth, and therefore the frequency of reality here.

You are not doing yourself a service of any sort when you suppress or evade the frequency of your heart in which you feel emotional. In fact to move out of that zone of feeling, is to move out of the zone where healing, intuition, instinct, life energy feed you.

If you want to deal with a situation, the first step to it is facing the reality of it. You cannot solve a problem until you actually see what it is. You cannot fight a battle if you don’t look at the battlefield, at your enemies, who is with you, who is for you, who is against you.

You need reality, and that reality cannot be assessed with the head and the sense organs. The world famous ‘sixth sense’ is just the Heart, is emotion.

When I was a teenager I was very enamored by the whole ‘open your third eye’ movement. Overnight I became a sort of minor celebrity and was called ‘psychic’. I was invited all over the place to peoples’ houses and people would come to my place all hours of day and night to get me to go to their house, or a sick person or help them choose a location for their house and so on.

Then I found the expectations were unfair to me and the situation became very abusive for me, because the truth is, I could only know stuff about those I care about, not those I don’t care truly about. And to be honest, I don’t care for just anyone. I’m just not Mother Teresa. I cannot control who I care about and who I don’t care about, it doesn’t go by logic at all, it’s something beyond the mind and rationality.

All humans, animals, plants, all living beings are ‘psychic’ when they love and care deeply about something. Some people love and care a little more than others, and maybe therefore are a little more perceptive but that’s how it is.

But that frequency, the frequency of the heart is what you need for your own life, for your safety, as your guide in the maze in of life.

Trauma and pain can make us temporarily move out of the heart frequency, but it really ought to be very very temporary, or we will stay out of reality frequency and make life moves based on lies and non-reality, that will keep us stalled.

And the hormones released by the heart will become poison in the body as they do not get processed the right and natural way.

3. Hormones produced by the Heart trigger off hormone production in the body.

Besides the fact that the vibrations of the heart trigger off hormone triggers in the brain – for example falling in love or meeting a loved one triggers off the release of pleasure hormones in the body; besides that sort of thing, that the heart itself directly produces hormones has been known for a long while.

All kinds of problems start as a result of the hormones of the heart not flowing out.

In fact, whether modern science acknowledges or not, and some groups do, the hormones released by the heart directly chemically play a role in the hormonal environment of the body. Important functions like growth and development – which means the development of sexual and reproductive mechanisms, brain health and so on, are triggered by and affected by hormones from the heart.

As a tiny little example – here are two research papers that talk about the affect of the hormones produced by the heart – ANF, ANP and BNP (don’t worry about the long forms) on growth, immune system management, inflammatory response.
The endocrine function of the heart
The endocrine heart and inflammation

That is just the very tip of the iceberg. If all that scientists knew about the heart were published, it would cause the overturn and the end of the modern pharma industry that is based on providing the body with substances it can produce itself, if triggered by the HEART.

But the heart with its primal sensory system called FEELINGS isn’t about to get any promotion from anyone out only to make money, as feelings and the heart are not something you can switch on and off, or put into pills, even though they keep trying century after century to do just that.

Your own heart’s feelings are your home food hormones for healing and hormonal balance.

It’s like home food. Any real doctor advises his patients, if they want to truly recover and be healthy, to eat home food, ie. food cooked at home. There’s the emotional aspect of it that nothing else can replace.

If someone makes ‘home food’, the second they package it and sell it, it stops being ‘home food’ anymore. ‘Made in A Home’ maybe, but it’s not YOUR home food.

So feelings cannot be packed, they must be made at home, by your heart in your body, for your healing.

4) A great heart said to me – Your Body is your Heart.

In fact it is literally true. While our physical heart is the motor, in truth every cell of us is part of that central Heart and every bit of us is filled with emotion.

To love and heal ourselves, we need to honor and accept the emotions of our body.

An exercise that helps release pain anywhere in the body is to just feel the center of pain in the body and count back from 10 to 1, each time going deeper and deeper into where the exact point of pain is. At 1, you speak out without thinking, what you are feeling there. If you can’t articulate it, just feel it fearlessly. You’ll slip out in the beginning, but keep coming back and going deeper and deeper to the center of the pain and facing it.

Often it will be an irrational fear, or something from a situation long gone, but it is valuable and that’s why it’s calling your attention.

The exercise done over time breaks the habit of running away from or suppressing a problem or a pain, instead of fearlessly facing it.

Try it and see how powerful it is.

5) Steer clear of a pseudo heart frequency.

Very often, people will develop a sort of emotional energy system that’s emotional indeed, but not connected to true feeling in the moment.

It could be based in a situation that’s long gone into the past, or some particular set of feelings they’re OK with feeling, maybe because those are socially accepted, or feelings that match those around them, or directly to deceive others.

When emotional outbursts drain energy, you know that there’s a pseudo heart frequency in operation, there’s something not quite real about it and it cannot help you in any way if it isn’t real.

Real emotional release is uplifting and clarifying even when painful, especially when painful.

Learn to tell the difference and let go of that which drains rather than clarifies and the pseudo emotional body will wither away.

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