Banyan Tree Fruit – The Kansas City Shuffle – Breaking out of a Stalemate Situation

The fruit of the banyan tree is as much a wonder and a miracle as the rest of the tree. It develops according to the biorhythms of the tree and can be found around the year depending on how the tree has acclimatized to where it is. This tree’s virility of rooting, growth and spreading … Read more

Ceanothus – New Jersey Tea – Recovery From Shock

Today I came across on a gardening show, the stunning ethereal Ceanothus. Why it is called New Jersey Tea is because during the war of the American Revolution ie. the war which resulted in the USA forming as a country independent from Britain, American dependence on tea, which was at the time mostly imported through … Read more

Thevetia Peruviana – Yellow Oleander

Some beautiful pictures of Yellow Oleander from when they were flowering on the 5th of November 2019. Thevetia Peruviana or Yellow Oleander has reported by the fake media as terribly poisonous. Of course as some wise man said, “The difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose.” I have found the oleander family … Read more