Banyan Tree Fruit – The Kansas City Shuffle – Breaking out of a Stalemate Situation

All you can see in the picture, is ONE Banyan tree that spreading out.

The fruit of the banyan tree is as much a wonder and a miracle as the rest of the tree. It develops according to the biorhythms of the tree and can be found around the year depending on how the tree has acclimatized to where it is.

This tree’s virility of rooting, growth and spreading – so much so one tree can cover acres and acres of land, are legendary.

Naturally the fruit has been used as support for sexual energy deficiencies and fertility in both men and women.

This is a young Banyan Tree putting out its first aerial roots about fifteen feet up from the ground.

However it isn’t exactly an aphrodisiac. Rather, it works on a very basic level providing all the basic nutrition a person needs, much like baby food does, repairing a person on a very basic level so fertility and everything it needs all come in one big package.

Nutritionally, the more popular fig – Ficus Carica – beats it as a food. But when it comes to trace minerals, the banyan fruit – Ficus Benghalensis is on a whole other level.

While it doesn’t have the sugars of the popular fig, essential food for sustenance, especially in the warm climate the common fig is native to, what the banyan fruit does have is those trace substances that address a person’s vital requirements for growth and repair.

In situations where a person is unable for some reason to work up the mojo to get past a plateau in healing or progress; when there’s a wound that simply won’t heal, when the person seems to be going around in circles getting ill, becoming alright, falling ill, getting well – really well, before relapsing – and this isn’t because of an obvious condition in the environment that’s causing the problem, the fruit of the Banyan helps breakthrough.

It is my medicine of choice to break a stalemate situation especially those that have an element of lack or deficiency in them. Where the person cannot seem to RETAIN or SUSTAIN energy long enough to break through.  

If someone says they’ve been in the same situation a long long while with ups and downs but always keep coming back to square one or ground zero – whatever you call it – I put banyan fruit in their medicine. It simply cannot hurt anyone – human or animal of any age.

In unnecessarily high doses it can cause vertigo in those who have been nutritionally deprived as the body spins into action to absorb the trace minerals it offers.

Have you heard of the Kansas City Shuffle? It’s this sort of method of bringing out a hidden enemy, or tricking one, by pretending to be one of the preys of the predator. The enemy reveals their location and becomes vulnerable as they come out to get the prey and have basically walked into a trap.

That’s how the banyan fruit works. It provides all the basic nutrition that makes predatory illnesses – ie. energy patterns not natural to the human body and the cells that carry them, lurking around the body like vampires, go dizzy with delight and think, “Yay, this is good stuff.” They go into overdrive, feasting on the nutrition and realize too late – this is not the common fig – this is the fruit of the banyan tree. “We should’ve googled it before feasting on it. We cannot really digest this stuff. We’re not natural. We only eat sugar. Oh no, oh no…. ”

Before long the unnatural cell is a dead cell and being thrown out.

I often combine banyan fruit with Milk Thistle and other support for the liver and for the lymphatic system to help throw out the dead cells and finish the job.

Now this is not something that happens overnight and it is quite draining and not advisable to use big doses of Banyan Fruit on its own. A better course of action is a smaller dose spread over six months to a year along with other herbs to help the body adjust to the changes brought about by the Banyan Fruit.

When the body changes, the consciousness changes. When the consciousness changes, our life changes. Every natural herb you make part of your life changes your consciousness and your life, whether you can see it or not.

The fruit of the banyan changes a life in very basic ways as it provides basic nutrition you might’ve been lacking for years or decades, changes on levels that might not be obvious but which as time goes is the equivalent of a paradigm shift.

Slow and steady wins the race, they say. The banyan fruit totally expresses that proverb into physical reality.

Banyan Fruit just before I cut them up to make tincture of them in vinegar. I prefer vinegar in this case because it retains the trace minerals that alcohol does not retain.

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