Tag: Hormonal Balance

Our Body’s Thermometer & Strychnos for the Stricken – Ignatia

Strychnos Ignatii also called Ignatia Amara, Ignatius Bean or Ignatia is first aid for when the thermometer system of our body fails and this article lists my top 6 situations in which Ignatia is a powerful medicine that few other herbs can match in those situations.

Ed, one time I was going to have a heat stroke when I was in the last few months of being pregnant with Gabriel. I was so beyond hot, and no amount of water I drank was hydrating me enough. My internal organs, already extra warm because of being pregnant, were each radiating heat of its own. Continue reading

Sea Salt and Bio-rhythm Recovery after Shock, Trauma


How the Sea keeps the bio-rhythm of the Earth and therefore us, how Salt carries this vibration and helps us recover from rhythm disruption caused by trauma, shock, vaccination, radiation; How salt aids recovery of BALANCE of minerals in our bodies. 

Dear Ed,

As a lover of the sea you don’t need to be reminded of the healing power of salt. But I’m writing this, as I’ve been mostly a mountain and high altitude dweller and for me, meeting the sea has been an amazing experience. Continue reading

Herbs for Stealth or Cryptic Pregnancy Support

Dear Ed, I first published this article years ago when there was almost no information on supporting cryptic or stealth pregnancy on the internet. Today there is more information but most of it is too general to be of real help. So here is the article all over again and updated.

What happens to a woman’s body when pregnancy hormones that usually stay in the body for just 9 or 10 months, stay on for years even? These are hormones that make muscles loose, and bones release calcium, powerful hormones. It is a unique situation, one there is no information about from the medical system. Continue reading

Herbal Energies to Cope with Isolation and Recover from Isolation Trauma

Herbs are not like pills which while being ‘active’ do not carry living consciousness. Herbs have consciousness just like us and that is why they are the medicine of choice and instinct for animals in our world.

They have the nutrients to help our bodies when we’re running low. And they have the natural intelligence and consciousness to help out emotionally and spiritually so we can really heal and not just be helped in the moment.

For those who are or feel isolated, herbs are a gentle friend to help us find our way. Continue reading

Make Armpit Sniffing Great Again – Yeast and Healing, Fertility, Wellness

A few months ago I wrote a 28 page book about Yeast or, as I like to call it, The Benefits of Armpit Sniffing.

Yeast isn’t a topic that made anyone world famous of healing you’re after, this is something you simply have to have as a foundation if you want to sustain healing.

Because of legal restrictions before I wasn’t able to put this book on my website for all to read for free. That’s sorted out now, and you can read it online  or rich, so there’s very little about it spoken or written, outside the world of ‘general wellness’. Continue reading

Chilblains & Raynaud’s Syndrome – Herbs to Balance Body Temperature

As a sufferer of severe Raynaud’s where my finger joints would go purple and black every winter, I’ve given a lot of thought to this condition and tried all kinds of treatments for it till I finally found something that really worked.

Creams that have lanolin (sheep fat) work the best to create a layer of protection from the cold, and the topical application of Winter Cherry, Spikenard, Datura and other herbs that create warmth locally, are necessary as you will have to keep your fingers and toes as warm as possible. Continue reading

Positive and Negative Polarity – Holistic Recovery with Herbs from Radiotherapy and Radiation Damage

A time comes to every person who takes herbs and natural healing when they have to stop depending on herbs and cross over to being independently healthy again. Very few ever cross that line, and their body ends up developing resistance to the very herbs that are their medicine of choice.

Herbs to stimulate healing, detoxification and so on, are of the positive polarity, or solar, heating, pushing, moving. They include all those processes that are outgoing and heat generating and expanding and energy releasing. Cell growth, cell reproduction, regeneration of damaged tissue, they’re all positive or solar processes. Continue reading

Pitcher Plant - Drosera

How to Heal your Voice

Throughout history humans have used the nuances of voice to understand one another. We understand instinctively what we really mean by the little jumps and stops and changes in tone and pitch and volume of our voices.

My interest in the topic started back in school days when the school choir was competing in a big competition and we were all very careful to keep our voices in order through the months of practice for the big day. I noticed all the things affecting our voices, and very little was about catching a cold. Continue reading

Hormones don’t make Feelings. Feelings make Hormones.

The Heart triggers off hormone production in the body. It’s the truth we’re not told because it would end the pharma industry that sells artificial and second hand hormones and hormone triggers.

If you’re serious about natural hormonal balance, the way is through the heart.

Here are 5 things about Hormones and the Heart you need to know:

1. Hormones don’t make feelings. Feelings make hormones.
2. The Heart frequency is the Earth frequency, is the Reality frequency.
3. Hormones produced by the Heart trigger off hormone production in the body. Make your own home food.
4) Your Body is your Heart. An exercise to release pain.
5) Steer clear of a pseudo heart frequency. Continue reading

Work WITH your energy, not against it. Male & Female Energy Flow

This is a topic that cannot be spoken about in one go. It’s something you have to learn a little about and then digest and observe in your self and others before you go on, or it will all be just a mash-up of information in your head that makes no difference in reality.

All humans do not have the same energy flow patterns. In fact every human has a different energy flow pattern.

Male energy fields are distinctly different from female energy fields.

Male energy fields thicken through the colder months of the year, their life experience becoming more intense overall. Through the warmer parts of the year their energy fields thin out, as they release energy and interact with the environment in a lighter manner. Continue reading