Tag: Herbal Painkillers

Hyssop – Don’t Fear the Pain

 I was wondering, Ed, why of all the herbal painkillers, Jesus was given Hyssop and vinegar (or sour wine) when on the cross. It seemed to me to be hardly something given to someone in pain who was expected to die.

Yet again, it’s an instance of a herb being used that is not for the dead or dying at all, like aloes – a wound healer- in which they wrapped his dead body. It’s the equivalent of packing a dead body in Neosporin/Bacitracin/Polyspirin. How ridiculous is that? They so expected him to come back into his body.

But the Hyssop, Ed, mystified me because it is a BITTER herb, a liver cleanser, not exactly a painkiller. It seemed like they were torturing him even more giving him that.

Anyhow Ed, recently I went through some days when suppressed memories of traumatic times I’ve been through arose and on instinct I decided to have Hyssop tea everyday.

On day one, Ed, the bitterness was a shock. It is REALLY bitter. But on day two, I wanted it, and had three cups in a row.

To my surprise, Ed, I found that Hyssop was vibing with, or vibrating the same as pain spots in my body, those cells holding pain. I’m not talking about physical pain, Ed. I’m talking about the residue in the body of emotional and energetic destruction; The sort that literally pulverizes the energy field into splinters.

Somehow, Ed, Hyssop makes it possible to feel those without fainting away at the pain, or escaping by distracting oneself.

It inspires strength to face mind blowing pain, Ed.

I never knew this before and now I have in my mind the idea of a whole different kind of painkiller. The sort that inspires you to feel the pain instead of turning away. That’s the best sort of painkiller according to me, because you leave nothing to deal with later. You fully experience what you’re experiencing and process it too. It’s scary but in hindsight it’s the best way. Continue reading

Vibrational War & Arnica for Energy Body Pain

The war waged on our vibration sensitive energy bodies, the importance of energy body awareness, 3 simple exercises and Arnica Montana my No. 1 energy body pain reliever

Ed; War is being waged through vibration on our systems while we are denied awareness of our bio-energy bodies lest we learn to defend ourselves. 

Being aware our energy bodies is not an option anymore. We cannot get through the current climate of vibrational attack without becoming aware of how our bodies are being affected on a vibrational levels and learning to protect and defend ourselves.

A lot of today’s drugs are extremely harmful vibrationally. They change the frequency of the nervous system and energy body so suddenly and drastically as to create energy body shock that can take forever to heal from.

Our waking awareness has been deliberately manipulated to distract us with a whole lot of unnecessary information on our biologically measurable parts. Every other person is an expert on nutrition and the physical pathology of body. But it is all just the science of a corpse until the processes of life energy are seen as generating and managing life in the physical body.

If the media were to stop all mention of an organ of the body that didn’t throw itself in our faces all the time – say the liver – for a few years, soon people would lose awareness of its existence even. It could slowly be dropped out of biology textbooks and soon be no longer a factor in treating the body. Most symptoms of problems of the liver could be relegated to problems with other organs and systems.

That’s what’s happened with the human energy body. By removing the energy body from medical studies (whereas once it was THE CORE part of human healing systems), the public has been trained to not even be aware of it.

This has exposed us to violence on a level unprecedented. Unable to speak out about where exactly it hurts and unable to understand why, humans everywhere have suffered incredible pain, debilitating conditions, sadness and suffering because of the effect of vibrational violence.

When dogs suffer vibrational attack – such as delivered by drugs and vaccinations that shatter their energy body and with it their body odor and hormonal patterns, their relationships with each other take a terrible blow as they stop  recognizing each other on a primal level. They’re dependent on each others’ body odor for primal recognition.

The same thing is true for humans. Drugs, vaccinations and other forms of energy body violence, can shatter our body and make us unable to primally recognize one another, causing immense strain on relationships.

At the same time, we become vulnerable to those who come around carrying stolen patterns of energy bodies. This isn’t crazy conspiracy theory stuff. That the perfume industry as well as several other industries use human and animal hormone signalling in their products is well known. There’s never been a time when they didn’t. This causes us to attract and have the wrong people for us in our lives.

The effects of vibrational violence in our lives go so far and so deep.

There isn’t just one magical fix. The only thing to do is develop awareness of our energy body and begin to take action to deal with that which hurts us.

Here are 3 simple exercises to become aware of your energy body:

I do these when I’m standing at the stove in the kitchen waiting for food to heat up and such.

When we become aware of our energy fields, we automatically start balancing it out. As we do, our various physical, emotional and mental imbalances fall into place.

These are simple, however, when you do them often and regularly enough (at least once a day) they will change the way your body works and the way you live. You need to try them to believe them.

1) Stand still with your eyes closed, feet firmly on the ground, hands hanging down limp. Just stand still for as long as you can.

In the beginning you might feel like you are ‘in your head’ or mostly in your uper body. Allow yourself to feel the feel of the floor beneath and enjoy that. Your energy field will slowly balance itself to become how it was childhood.

Such is the power of simply standing still, doing nothing thinking nothing, that the ancients, all over the world have left innumerable examples in art and sculpture of people simply standing.

When we are standing still, (or lying down straight in a symmetrical position), we begin to balance our entire energy body automatically. Imagine the healing that can happen if we do this regularly enough, and get into the habit of becoming aware of our own bodies and posture.

If you can’t stand still, lie down still and play dead. It’s amazing.

2) Raise your body up onto your toes and then fall back onto your heels with a thump.

Then go up again and thump back down again gently. Do this again and again, with your back straight and your shoulders straight. Every time you thump back down onto your heels you will feel the vibration going up your body, to your head and into the space (or energy field) above. Enjoy the vibrations and you’ll begin to sense the whole energy field.

3) Stand on one leg at a time, bending the other back so the sole of the foot is facing up behind you. Continue reading

The Bottles in my Bag

The 4 bottles are one each for:

General Emergencies
Shock & Nervous Support
Wound First Aid
Pain Killer

My Granddad would’ve laughed at these. A bottle of Scottish whisky is what the great solver of everyone’s problems went about with. My other Granddad who was a doctor in the Army, swore by Irish Guiness which he even used to help women in labor.

But me being such a good girl and upstanding citizen, I carry around four little bottles of herbs. They’ve met all our emergency needs for years.

Unlike off the counter allopathic pills which the body will begin to resist, and which take their toll on the system, these herbs not only do the job they’re taken for, but help prevent the same later – which is a big deal in the long run. You’ll stop having the same problems over and over if you take herbs instead of allopathic drugs which offer little in the way of prevention of future problems in the area.

Now you can make these yourself at home – buy some of the herbs mentioned beneath from a health food store or online in one go, get a little bag or box and add it to your other emergency supplies like cotton, bandaid, roll of bandage etc.

Or you can get the set of four bottles, altogether 30ml or 1 oz each, personalized for your or your family’s emergency needs from me.

I use Colloidal Silver water as a base, but you can use distilled water, spring water, RO purified water. I use CS water because it’s a powerful immunity booster and infection killer on its own and is especially useful as first aid in cases of dehydration, wounds and burns.

Most of the people I make treatments for, say they love the slightly bitter taste and feel better very quickly. In fact, a lot of people tend to use these more than they really need to because they feel so good. And that’s ok. Feeling good is important.

Without further ado, here are the herbs I use in the four emergency bottles:

Get yourself four one ounce bottles, mark each of them or write on a sticker like I do and put the sticker on.

Now here are the four groups of herbs:

General Emergencies

Fevers – Belladonna – 3 drops
Blood Loss, Heat – Gelseminium – 10 drops
Sleep Loss – Colchicum – 2 drops
Vitality Support – Rosehips – 30 drops
Immunity Support, Infection fighting – Echinacea – 5 drops

Dosage: 3-5 drops in a cup of water or directly in the mouth

Shock & Nervous Support

Mugwort – Nervous system calmer – 30 drops
Valerian – 5 drops (don’t worry it simply cannot sedate you in that dose, in fact it will energize you in a very basic way).
Cactus – Heart frequency balancer – 10 drops
Arnica – Nervous pain reliever – 1 drop
Yerba Mate – Lung shock relief – 10 drops

Dosage: 3-5 drops in a cup of water or directly in the mouth

Wound First Aid Splash

Calendula – Wound Healing – 20 drops
Arnica – Trauma Recovery, restore blood circulation – 5 drops
Comfrey – Promote bone and tissue healing – 10 drops
Elecampane – Tissue repair, vital support- 20 drops
Witch Hazel – Astringent, stops bleeding – 20 drops

Dosage: 10-20 drops in a cup of water or directly in the wound