Category: Uncategorized

There was a General named Valerian! His parents surely knew what they were doing.

Herbs for Battle – What sort of fighter are you?

This is about help for those make it or break it moments or days, when it’s all about nerves. True, there’s no replacement for the preparation that goes into you before the battle – but that’s another story for another day.

Today the topic is Herbs for Battle.

Everyone thinks GINSENG when it comes to strenuous performance. That’s great if you’re a stud dog or horse or a racer and big money’s gone into transporting you across the world to err… make your Poppa’s village proud. Continue reading

The Hormonal Ups and Downs of Puberty leave their mark. Herbs to Rehabilitate Hormone and Sexual Energy Levels.

When the hormones of puberty hit, boy do they create havoc. A good majority of human adults alive today have symptoms caused by a traumatic transition from childhood to adulthood. This is mostly because the old knowledge of supporting the body and psyche through life changes has been lost and human lifestyle hasn’t been supportive of human life processes for about a century now. A healthy diet, an emotionally balanced environment, enough sleep and waking rest, these are things that have been hard to come by for a while now. Continue reading

Herbal Treatment for Brain and Nervous Toxin Removal

Herbs to flush out Brain Toxins – the result of long term sleep deprivation

This is for the person who for a long time (months at least) has not had the rest they need to clean out and regenerate the brain. Those who have been insomniacs for a long time with no resolution of the situation, parents of new borns, pregnant women, care-givers of those who need help day and night and so on.

Then there are those who accumulate brain toxins as a result of a lack of oxygenation to the brain. Lack of physical exercise, lack of enough mental stimulation, all this can make the brain lag behind in its clean-up work. Continue reading

Heal your Body by healing your Emotions – 5 Facts about Emotional Healing

Did you know that our actual physical cells mark just about every experience we go through? Its how lie detectors work – by measuring our body’s physiological response to issues, people and places. Our bodies are the databases of our lives’ experience.

While the physical foods we eat pass through our digestive system and the effects are gone in a few days or weeks, our emotions – happy or sad, angry or peaceful, are not that easily gotten rid off. In fact, our emotions stay until we have acknowledged them and after that they do ‘pass out’ or ‘go away’ – they stay and make a contribution to the rest of our blog for forever. While we cannot really help feeling upset, angry or happy and joyful what we can do is manage our feelings and emotions in such a way as to have them make our blog beautiful rather than glaring and warlike. Beautiful blogs attract people who appreciate beauty. Defensiveness and so on only attract more of the same. Continue reading

Ashuri - Rescue pup recovery from trauma, growth retardation

Ashuri – a pup with no future, given away for free with another healthier pup.

Ashuri - Rescue pup recovery from trauma, growth retardation

Ashuri was the runt of the litter, a pup given away for free by a breeder who thought he might as well give her away as a freebie, part of a sale of another much healthier pup, Lama.

On being asked about her the breeder confessed she wasn’t likely to survive more than a week or two as she’d been in severe trauma as a result of cruelty shown her by children in the house she was born in.

She’d not slept in more than 24 hours, wouldn’t sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, and had to be transported using a little cage in which she paced up and down like a wild animal. In addition to it all she’d been vaccinated at the age of 2 DAYS and had never been able to walk straight, and was constantly trembling.
Go to full article: Ashuri – Puppy’s Recovery from Trauma with herbs and herbal energy medicine >> Continue reading


How to Rehabilitate your Teeth thoroughly – reverse tooth decay, loss of enamel and plaque formation

Herbs for dental health, to reverse tooth decay, loss of enamel and plaque formation

If you look at the teeth in the pic you’ll see I have a bit of my front tooth chipped off. You’ll also see my teeth thin at the edges – recovering from enamel loss. I’ve recovered my teeth from the edge of disaster twice when they got very stressed through the demands of pregnancy, breast-feeding, and several other not-good-for-teeth situations. In this article I’m going to tell you how to do it too – by making some changes to your diet, having some herbs, doing a breathing exercise and getting the marks off your teeth, healing cavities without going to a dentist. Continue reading

Caraf Avnayt - Herbalist

Legal herbs that disappear Melanoma, Warts, Skin Tags

Treating Program for Skin Cancer, spreading Warts with Herbs

Here’s some picture-proof that you don’t exactly need illegal herbs (unfortunately) like cannabis to get rid of melanomas, warts, skin tags and the like. We recently had a melanoma that had developed over 25 years disappear in a few weeks. The person already hyper-sensitive, was pregnant as well, and could not be given anything but the gentlest herbs. Still, the results were great.

You can read more about my herbal treatment program for melanomas and warts spreading here.

Some of our worst problems seem like they can never be solved just because so much time, so many years have gone by without us finding a solution, yet every day somewhere in the world an old old problem is being solved easily enough. Continue reading

Rehabilitating the Lungs from Shock and Trauma

Shock Lung – How to Rehabilitate the Lungs from Shock and Trauma

Rehabilitating the Lungs from Shock and Trauma

Back in the days when soldiers were exposed on the war field to sudden strong vibrational assault from bombs and the like, they would often lose consciousness. The standard procedure was to resuscitate them, get the heart going and then do other things like clean and stitch up wounds and so on. As the soldier recovered however it was noticed that at at time when it looked he was on the mend, his lungs started giving trouble. Breathing became restricted and made it close to impossible for the healing processes that had to continue for them to recover fully from other wounds. Continue reading

5 Steps to Rehabilitate your Digestive System from Long Term and Chronic Indigestion with Herbs

5 Steps to Rehabilitate your Digestive System from Long Term and Chronic Indigestion with Herbs

5 Steps to Rehabilitate your Digestive System from Long Term and Chronic Indigestion with Herbs

The importance of gut bacteria and probiotics like yoghurt and kefir especially after taking pharmaceutical medication is well known. This article is about using herbs for permanent rehabilitation of the digestive system from long term chronic indigestion.

Very often there are issues like low self esteem, fear-based eating that are at the heart of chronic digestive problems. The herbs mentioned in this article are not just physical chemicals that affect the physical parts of the body. They are wholesome energies that influence the psyche of the person having them. That’s why it is indeed possible to actually have a turnaround in long standing problems. Continue reading

How each Bach flower remedy inspires natural holistic healing

Flowers are nature’s expression of confidence in life and love. Their essences can inspire and support us through times when our keeping our defences up has drained us of emotional vitality. These are some of the most well known flower energies. I use them alongside herbal extracts and find they help the herbs work better. Please click on the name of a flower to read more about what sort of inspiration and energy it offers.

Cherry Plum
Chestnut Bud
Crab Apple
Red Chestnut
Rock Rose
Rock Water
Star of Bethlehem
Sweet Chestnut
Water Violet
White Chestnut
Wild Oat
Wild Rose
Willow Continue reading