How to Increase Nerve Force Holistically

One of the first signs of the process commonly called ‘premature aging’, is simply a decrease in nerve force.

Nerve force, very simply is the energy with which electrical signals go from one nerve cell to another.

When we find ourselves reacting to something slowly and with tiredness it means our nerve force is less.

If we are not able to react to sensory stimulation and enjoy things, our nerve force is less.

It is literally the speed at which the communication between the parts of the body is happening.

When our nerve force is low, the nervous signals feel like they’re going at the speed of postal mail versus email.

While there are many causes of it, from lack of enough sleep to fatigue caused by repetitive stress, to emotional shock caused by loss or grief, the human body is capable of adapting to a situation and maintaining nerve force.

A lot of the time food, drink, even herbs and other holistic treatments are used to artificially increase nerve force through adrenaline shocking the body, stressing the kidneys and surging the nervous system. The body reacts with chronic fatigue as it resists what it considers artificial stimulation as not something in the body’s memory of what’s natural.

For example, one such substance is MSG or mono-sodium glutamate, which is used in nearly all processed foods for its ability to increase nerve force giving a sort of quick but short-lived energy surge making the person eating become suddenly able to taste better. It increases nerve force so the report from the sense organs goes quickly to the brain and the brain says, “Yes, it’s yummy.” If you’ve ever craved eating something processed or that’s not cooked at home, chances are you’re craving MSG. But its list of harmful effects are legendary.

There are other additives to increase nerve force that are used in the processed food industry.

They all backfire sooner or later as the body learns to resist even them. Chronic allergies, histamine intolerance and auto-immune disorders are just some of the ways the body resists the intrusion.

The way to increase nerve force without pissing off the body and triggering off resistance, is to be nice and work with the body and the psyche, in ways considered friendly rather than forcing.


Natural Ways to Increase Nerve Force

1) Hormonal and Sensory Recognition

When we come in contact with, or even think of something our system recognizes naturally, instinctively, hormonally, our system responds with an increase of nerve force. This is what makes a child, even as an adult respond to the presence of their biological ancestors, parents and relatives with increased nerve force, making them heal faster, feel better. Even pictures of them, talking about them can help.

In the old days, a common prescription for someone with lessened nerve force was a trip to the sea or the mountains or some place where the person could come in touch with raw nature again. This is what makes nature in general healing; because our system recognizes what’s in nature and reacts with nerve force – quite literally push to live.

It used to be a practice in the days when people died of actual old age at home with their families, for their favorite foods from their childhood to be prepared for them when they got weak towards the end, because that would increase nerve force almost immediately.

If you are low on nerve force, no matter what the cause, bring into your life things comfortably familiar, something you loved and enjoyed in your childhood, something that reminds you of times when you were well. Change your diet to food traditional to your family.

Recently a woman who hemorrhaged every month had a sudden breakthrough when she added butter back into her diet. She’d given butter up for olive oil some years before. After she brought butter back into her diet because she realized she didn’t feel satisfaction from food until it had butter in it, as was traditional to he famil. That month she had her first normal period in twenty years.

We cannot over-think our food or lifestyle. Overall making our choices in life following our emotional and physical instincts (which are the same thing usually) leaves us better-off. There’s no point reaching a good point in life without the nerve force to actually enjoy the experience and build on it.


2) Herbs, food and drinks that increase nerve force, unwind, relax and remove blocks in the body.

In the short term, there are things we can eat and drink to help increase nerve force without pushing or forcing the body. I keep my herbal treatments light because I’ve found that there’s absolutely no point causing a fantastic ‘good’ reaction only for the body to slump back in the days after. Even in the short term, never take too much of anything. You do not want to overwhelm the body unless you’re in a severe emergency.

Herbs that comfort are those that increase nerve force in the short term.

They also work to rehabilitate the system, but a sure way to rehabilitation is to take herbs along with adding foods into your diet that remove blocks and areas of coagulated stuff in the body.

I’ll mention five of my favorite foods to do this: Parsley, Rolled Oats, Bananas, Onions and Natural Yeast Bread

Parsley because it’s just emergency nerve energy food. It could keep a dead man alive a little longer.

Oats and Bananas because they’re immediately nourishing nerve nourishing food.

Onions because onions help recover from even severe nerve energy loss.

This bunch of onions inspired this article. I’m a fan.

Have you ever felt such a lack of nerve force that you cannot even cry? Too tired to sleep? Onions will help you cry – not just by stinging your eyes but by helping unclog the body, helping blood move around easier.

You have to try it. Have some onion soup if not anything else. Or just add onions to everything you cook for a week or two and then reduce it.

Natural Yeast is a YUGE energizer of nerve force in the body.

I simply leave a little bit of flour and water covered with a cheese cloth for a day or two on the kitchen counter and it catches yeast right out of the air. You then knead that in with your dough, let it sit for a few hours and make bread out of it. It sounds like a lot of work, but after you’ve done it a few days it becomes very easy and is so worth the effort.

3) Going inwards

A lot of the time, the lack of nerve force is because the spirit of the person is not willing to keep sending energy outwards any more. The logic and why and wherefore of it do not matter. If there’s a lack of nerve force, it’s time to stop attention and energy from flowing out and either simply rest, or turn inwards.

The most successful people are those who are in touch with their spirit right through the noise of life, and know how to interact with the world in keeping with how their spirit wants their energy to be used.

If daily life energy use is NOT something our spirit supports, then we’re losing right there, whether it looks like it or not in the moment. We cannot sustain an effort in our lives that does not have our spirit supporting it.

When our spirit supports us, our body supports us and what we do then leads to success for us one way or another.

So if nerve force is weak, it’s time to go inward, energetically rest, and find out what we really want to do.

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