Herbs for Energy – FAQs

Herbs for Energy It is human instinct that makes us look to botanicals for energy – whether that is for a pick up when we’re feeling down, or for a boost of healing when we’ve been badly injured or hurt.

Over the years I have received several questions about using herbs for energy. In this article I’m going to answer the top 10. You’ll see it’s all about figuring out what sort of herbal energy you need.

Please Note: This article is about herbs for energy in the short term. For a lasting permanent change in energy levels these herbs need to be taken in small doses along with herbs to actually address what is causing the fatigue, over a few weeks atleast, if not more.
For more on long term energy rehabilitation, please check out the herbal treatment for rehabilitation from long term adrenal abuse and nervous exhaustion.

1. What is an energy herbal capsule? How can I make an herbal energy capsule?
2. What herbal tea gives you energy? How often can I have herbal tea for energy?
3. What is a herbal energy drink? Is it safe?
4. What herbal remedies are good for energy for children?
5. What is the best herbal energy booster for studying?
6. What herbal tea is good for energy during pregnancy?
7. What herbal supplements give you energy after an illness?
8. What herbal supplement is good for energy after having a baby?
9. What herbal medicine is good for energy when you have not slept well?
10. What is the best herbal supplement for sexual energy ?

1. What is an energy herbal capsule? How can I make an herbal energy capsule?

An herbal energy capsule is essentially a capsule filled with powder of a dried herb that’s known to boost energy. To make one for your self you need to buy empty capsules and put in powder of dried herbs. I only advise that for nutritional purposes – Gotu Kola for example has the nutrition someone with joint issues needs. If you’re using it for an energy boost, a herb like Guarana will work but you really ought not to take that sort of power dose more than once or twice a week – just before a performance for example.
Herbs in their powdered form can be very habit-forming and in the long run counter-productive as your body will learn to depend on the herb instead of learning to manage energy sufficiently.

2. What herbal tea gives you energy? How often can I have herbal tea for energy?

Rosehips is the most popular herbal tea for an energy boost overall. You can have as much as you want without getting poisoned, but remember too much of anything is bad.

3. What is a herbal energy drink? Is it safe?

A herbal energy drink is a drink supposed to be made of herbal ingredients. The ones available on the market usually do have herbs but not only herbs. They tend to have additives, some of which are just BAD. What I personally consider a safe ‘herbal energy drink’ is, is a glass or bottle of pure water into which two dropperfuls of a herbal tonic – say mother tincture of Rosehips and Black Currant (for example) have been added.

4. What herbal remedies for energy for children?

The one mentioned above – Rosehips and Black Currant tincture in water, Rosehips tea with honey, these are safe for children.

5. What is the best herbal energy booster for studying?

Pumping blood up to the brain is a dangerous business. However, herbs can be used responsibly to aid in concentration, focus and general sharpness and mental vitality. Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) is an overall brain tonic, Brahmi (Bacopa Monieri) helps with memory, and Fenugreek seed tea can help a sluggish brain keep sharp.
When a person is having problems focussing, learning or remembering, the causes need to be addressed – poor liver health, stress, emotional distress and so on. You can get help with herbs but you’d be doing the brain a disservice unless you also tried to solve whatever the root problem is.
Herbs that rehabilitate the brain and nervous system >>

6. What herbal tea is good for energy during pregnancy?

Raspberry Leaf and Rosehips Tea are the favorites. Black Cohosh seems to help pregnant women carrying tension in the muscles – it helps the release of energy by relaxing the muscles and is a good toner for help through the birthing process.
Herbal Medicine for Pre and Post Natal, Labor & Birthing Support >>

7. What herbal supplements give you energy after an illness?

My favorites are described on the Super-antioxidant herbal blend page. Besides those, there’s Rosehips tea again and any number of berry teas and powders that are vitality boosting. Wintercherry or Withania Somnifera is a powerful herb for those recovering from a long term general weakness – it does increase appetite so if you’re on a diet after surgery, you might want to keep the dose really small.

8. What herbal supplement is good for energy after having a baby?

Rosehips tea is as good at this time as any other, however, you could benefit by liver calming herbs like Dandelion and Milk Thistle to help calm and support the body through the hormonal changes just after giving birth and through the breast feeding processes. They can be energizing just by minimizing the hormonal dramas. Uterine support teas like Black Cohosh can also help for the same reason. My own
Herbal Medicine for Pre and Post Natal, Labor & Birthing Support includes herbs to make after-birth and post natal challenges so much easier. I do customize it for each individual.

9. What herbal medicine is good for energy when you have not slept well?

Colchicum, Cinchona Officinalis (the source of the famous medicine Quinine) come to mind. These have to be used in small doses and not for more than two or three days in a row. Fenugreek seed tea can help the brain stay awake a little longer perhaps, and Rosehips tea can support you with some energy from all that Vitamin C, but you will need to improve sleep quality and get your sleep sooner or later.
Herbal treatments to rehabilitate sleep function >>

10. What is the best herbal supplement for sexual energy ?

You’d have to experiment a bit. Ginseng, Yohimbe Root, Salix Nigra, Saw Palmetto are used widely for various issues surrounding lack of sexual energy. In general, taking a little bit of a herb every day over weeks and months is a better course of action than taking big doses sporadically. To rehabilitate your body to manage sexual energy well is important. Finding out what exactly is the cause of the lack of sexual energy is half the job done. I have had considerable success treating sexual energy issues over the years with light doses of herbs that rehabilitate the body overall raising vital energy and well-being in general, supporting hormonal balance and supporting the reproductive system in particular.

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