Herbs are not like pills which while being ‘active’ do not carry living consciousness. Herbs have consciousness just like us and that is why they are the medicine of choice and instinct for animals in our world.
They have the nutrients to help our bodies when we’re running low. And they have the natural intelligence and consciousness to help out emotionally and spiritually so we can really heal and not just be helped in the moment.
For those who are or feel isolated, herbs are a gentle friend to help us find our way.
There are 3 kinds of isolation.
1) Isolation caused by physically moving out of your comfort zone.
This is like when a child moves out of home to university, or you leave your home town for another place.
Understanding that along with physical changes our emotional and spiritual environment has also changed will go a long way in helping us make a smooth transition.
There are several long term conditions that arise out of not reestablishing roots properly in a new environment, metabolic imbalance, chronically low immunity and so on.
There are many ways to cope with change of this kind, but my favorite is herbs. Please read the following article for herbs for reestablishment.
Herbs for Life Changes -To Support Re-Establishment, Brain Function; Vitality
2) Isolation without physically moving out.
An example of this kind of isolation is when there is a new addition to a family and the older members feel like they aren’t getting as much attention or care as before.
My favorite way of understanding and treating this kind of isolation is the Banyan Tree or Ficus Benghalensis.
This is one amazing tree. It has such a robust root system that while it is a young adult, it’s roots are competing already for resources, so it starts putting out roots from its above ground branches!
As time goes by, its branches spread out horizontally and let down roots that grow really long and finally reach the ground themselves. This new ‘root’ then begins to function like a tree all on its own!
So in time, what looks like a forest is actually one tree that spread out.
That’s all just one tree.
When we have that understanding that we are one life form in many bodies, that we are the one tree, we begin to find new ways to get sustenance and our family can grow, our team and organization can grow beautifully.
The Ficus (the fig is a member of this family) is also filled with nutrients to help the conditions caused by feeling isolated right on ones own home zone.
Connective tissue disorders, respiratory difficulty, sudden premature aging, anxiety disorders and self hatred are various manifestations of being unable to find new ways to connect within the home zone.
3) Isolation when you are out of your element altogether.
When you feel like a fish out of water, so totally isolated that you might as well be on another planet, and time goes by and you are not able to put down roots, you need to take action to care for yourself.
An example of this sort of life crisis is a sportsman who because of a bad injury or illness now has to face a whole new sort of life out of the sports world.
Another example is someone in an organization in which the culture is so starkly cold, dry, unfeeling and competitive compared to the warmhearted living emotional environment they were used to before.
Another example is someone who has moved to a place with a culture whose core values clash with their own drastically.
Another example is children growing up without knowing the truth about their birth identity. The body and therefore the soul is not able to pick up cues from a culture and environment it is not racially programmed to.
There are 3 most common manifestations of this sort of serious isolation.
1) Hormonal imbalance
A lack of energy is hormonal imbalance right there. Depression is hormonal imbalance.
We get our cues for hormonal balance from our environment both physical and otherwise. Imagine if we’re cut off, or not getting or cues right. It immediately begins to show as low energy and rapidly lessening motivation and we have to do more and more just to keep functional while our quality of life keeps sliding down.
Our sexual being IS our being so it can become a severe life crisis if we don’t deal with it.
2) Loss of skill
If you find that you cannot do something with the same skill and gusto you once used to do it, it’s a sign that you’ve been affected by serious isolation.
You’ve had such a shock, or such a lack of resources that your system’s bridges and connections are actually disconnected. Your fingers are taking twice as long to react to your brain’s messages.
Read on for help.
3) Rejection
Very often when we simply cannot acclimatize to an environment, we end up rejecting it and then ourselves with it.
Sexual self rejection where the person just gives up on ever finding pleasure and triggers off premature aging processes, is a common result of someone simply not able to put roots into an environment their soul has rejected.
‘Rejection’ is a word some consider bad but most often it takes a strong spirit and a highly developed intellect, and a courageous character to reject one’s environment.
It’s the spirit refusing to become part of something it doesn’t agree with in some core, vital, ways.
Such people end up being the ones who cause consciousness change because they eventually hold their own so steadfastly that others begin to follow their lead.
They are perhaps the most amazing form of mass healing.
But it isn’t easy being them.
In such a situation a person has to develop ways out of the usual, to receive and give energy so they can keep living and finish whatever it is they’re in that environment for.
I have 5 favorite herbs to deal with this serious isolation and which help the other two as well.
1) Cypress
The tall Cypress is an evergreen tree that grows straight up, holds its own nature in isolation. It’s often planted as a wind breaker as it will protect houses near it from strong winds.
How the Cypress manages to grow up so straight is its everyday sensitivity to every little breeze. It is so aware that every time it could relax and grow just a little sideways, it doesn’t. It asserts its own direction and so grows up straight.
For all that fastidiousness, the essential oil of Cypress us one of the most relaxing fragrances known. Apparently holding your own in all things great and small, results in a nature that’s truly truly relaxed.
2) Mugwort or Artisemia
I call it a bridge engineer because of how it helps a nervous system gone splintered with shock or weakness, connect back up.
It’s not just first-aid. Taken over a long period it helps a person develop ways to face antagonizing situations calmly and courageously.
3) Heather – Calluna Vulgaris
Heather helps one remember their own way of being no matter that the time and situation has changed.
It gives you that extra perception of the ‘big picture’ that you need when you’re in an environment you really hate. It helps you identify reasons why you’re there and ways to benefit from your time there.
It helps your body’s basic processes like digestion and respiration normalize from being frenetic sometimes and lethargic at other times.
4) Mistletoe – Viscum Album
Mistletoe is called a parasitic plant because it grows on trees. In fact, it is more of a spirit plant in a way, as so much of its energy is of the barely-physical, subtle kind.
It’s my first line of treatment for any kind of hormonal imbalance because if how it inspires the rise of primal sexual identity in a person, helping the person reaffirm their natural being and balancing hormone production in the body.
There’s a sort of widespread hormonal problem these days, that’s simply hormonal insufficiency. That means the person just doesn’t make enough hormones, and goes through life in a rather lustless way. I meant to type listless, but my phone came up with lustless and I think that’s just right there.
Mistletoe brings up primal sexual identity which is very basic motivation for life and all living.
5) The Ghost Plant, Indian Pipes – Monotropa Uniflora and Datura Stramonium
The stunning beauty called ‘Indian Pipes’ or the ‘Ghost Plant’ grows in many places but is reported most often as growing in Eastern Massachusetts, USA.
This plant doesn’t even grow directly on other plants, it actually gets the few physical nutrients it gets from fungi underground that get some nutrition from tree roots.
This plant is so held in form by vibration field rather than physical structure that it melts like wax when you touch it.
It’s learned to have a presence in this realm without compromising on its own unique nature.
The ghost plant helps those who need their high emotional and spiritual sensitivity to identify signs from the spirit coming through an environment that otherwise doesn’t support them, and make a way to live for as long as they need to in that environment.
A close partner of this plant is Datura Stramonium or Jimsonweed which can be taken in an extremely diluted dose – 1 drop of Datura Stramonium light infusion in water to 100ml of spring water.
I’ve clubbed them together because they work so well together.
While the ghost plant helps you identify ways to connect to your spiritual environment, Stramonium brings out into your awareness, rather dramatically, all the things in you that you hate about yourself, things you developed to survive in the environment you’ve rejected.
Any real healing requires exhuming things buried in the subconscious and this pair of Stramonium and the Ghost Plant do such a beautiful job together.
They’re both available online or at homeopathic stores in diluted forms.
They are life changing.