This is a topic that cannot be spoken about in one go. It’s something you have to learn a little about and then digest and observe in your self and others before you go on, or it will all be just a mash-up of information in your head that makes no difference in reality.
All humans do not have the same energy flow patterns. In fact every human has a different energy flow pattern.
Male energy fields are distinctly different from female energy fields.
Male energy fields thicken through the colder months of the year, their life experience becoming more intense overall. Through the warmer parts of the year their energy fields thin out, as they release energy and interact with the environment in a lighter manner.
This of course is affected by several other factors, but it is something so primal and such a fact of life, that throughout history there have been ‘seasons’ ruling the activities of men and humankind in general, and it’s not all about only the weather on the outside. The weather on the inside matters a huge deal.
Female energy fields on the other hand, have a different energy pattern that follows a monthly cycle whether a woman is in the menstruating time of life or not.
The female energy field has concentrated energy in the center of the field, around the core of the abdomen, at the start of her period. The concentration spreads out through the next two weeks and expands fully around the time of ovulation and then the spread concentrates back into the center over the next 2 weeks.
So it’s two weeks expanding and two weeks contracting.
Now mind that there are several ways this flow is influenced and there are women for example who have menstrual cycles while they are pregnant too, the menstrual and the pregnancy cycles overlapping each other. In the case of men, changing their location where they have two summers or two winters a year can make a big difference. There are several such scenarios, but the basic pattern remains anyway.
This means that while for men the way they experience life and interact is more or less a stable, gradually changing scenario, in contrast, for women the intensity of life experience changes every fortnight at least.
A way to understand this is – If a man is on a journey, he finds himself going through a plain for 3 days. After 3 days gradually the train he is in finds itself moving to higher ground and then very gradually the train goes higher and higher until it is in the mountains. After a while there, the altitude changes ad slowly the man finds himself coming lower until days later he is in the plains again.
A woman on the other hand finds herself going through the plains for 2 hours, then the bus goes uphill at an angle of 45 degrees and she finds herself in the mountains for 2 hours, after which there’s the steep and sudden descent and she’s back in the plains.
As her energy is concentrated in the center of her energy field her soul wants to give attention to matter that are primal and central to the core of her being. As the energy field expands, her soul gives attention to things more external to her, her environment and so on.
Now, taking the condition of heavy menstrual bleeding as an example of just one of the many conditions women have as a result of not understand how the energy field works, I find that while herbs are wonderful help, to understand the emotional and energetic demands on the female body is one of the most powerful ways to actually heal.
Check out the herbs mentioned on my Herbal Treatment for Heavy Period Bleeding and Chronic Uterine Hemorrhage page (one of my most popular treatments), to get an idea of how herbs can be used to help stabilize energy flow to greatly lessen PMS/PMT and heavy bleeding.
Modern life is unreasonable in the demands it makes on women. It’s just the truth, and it needn’t be that way at all. I know a lot of women who do all they want to do only because they are aware of their body’s energetic and their soul’s emotional shifts and instead of fighting and suppressing those, work with them.
Working with our bodies means a different way of doing things from what we might have been taught in school and learned from others.
If you do not have the energy you need to get through the year or through the month, you know you have to become gentler and more understanding and work with your body instead of against it.
When you know what you’re going through, you begin to find little things that work for you and those make huge changes.
To allow your attention and energy to flow in ways it wants to, is a powerful habit that leads to quality of life and success in everything you want.