You can’t lose your Jing. Jing, Mojo and Shen

The Chinese herbalists classified energy as three types – Jing, Qi and Shen.

I’ve replaced Qi with Mojo as that’s what most people know it as.

Jing is the Oil.
Mojo is the Fire.
Shen is the Heat & Light.

Let me write it another way.


I know you’re really tired after all the things you did and didn’t do at Christmas so I’ll get straight to it.


The ancient yogic practitioners – Indian or Chinese or whoever… they all agreed on this. That Jing is a primal energy we were born with, primal sexual energy as it were, the oil of our system. Once it gets drained the body ages quickly and dies. They all agreed on this and devoted a big part of practice to conserving sexual energy by preventing the loss of sexual fluids.

But I, could never accept that. Call me what you will, I believe that the ancient writings of nearly all cultures have been misappropriated to hijack the energy of the general population keeping people short circuited rather than liberated.

My Granddad who lived so long, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you how long, he confirmed what I suspected all along. HUMANS NEVER LOSE JING.

You read me right. YOU CANNOT LOSE YOUR JING.

Neither does it become a black blobby dense mass that causes constipation as one ‘guru’ insisted, or makes one want to have sex with animals.

Jing simply is always there, so long as you’re alive; you’d best believe me, because my Granddad proved it to himself many times over and so have I.

It’s a crippling mind disease to believe you’ve ever lost something you were born with.

If you want to heal and be healthy – you must stop believing in untruths.

But, a lot of people have told me very clearly that they have experienced a huge drain of sexual energy and some haven’t ever recovered from it. What’s happening there?

That brings us to Mojo.


Mojo or Qi, is what we have when Jing – the oil of our being is on fire.

It’s energy we can feel, energy that moves us, that makes our organs work, our skin breathe, our cells multiply, and all those things a living body has to DO. It’s action.

Now Mojo, unlike Jing, is limited, in the sense that, there’s only so much Mojo our body will hold before shedding it off.

For example, if we’re watching a movie and we get really really really really affected and worked up and there’s nothing we can do about it really, because we aren’t really fighting Persians to defend Sparta, and the popcorn’s finished too, our Jing gets converted to Mojo and then having no place to go hangs about desperate for an outlet.

Whichever outlet you choose for that energy you’re going to feel drained.

When you work energy up for one thing, and then don’t use it for that thing, no matter how you release that energy, it’s going to feel like a drain, because the body is going to say, “But I brought that energy up to kill Xerxes of Persia, not to wash the dog because it’s Saturday or vacuum the house.”

“How the hell am I ever going to watch a movie again?” you wonder. The answer is simple. You be aware of what you’ve gotten all charged up for.

It’s never about killing Xerxes or whoever had to be killed for the movie to (finally) end. It’s about something in your life you want to do, something about that, the movie brought up. Be aware of it. It’s a sacred moment.

When you feel your heart beat increasing, when you feel worked up, find out why. And then use your energy for that.

Maybe you feel a sense of injustice about something, maybe you feel helpless and want to do something about it, maybe you miss something you used to do before. Whatever it is, it got triggered and now you have to do something about it.

It might mess up your schedule initially but you’ll find that everything becomes so much easier and you have more energy for whatever you want and need to do.

This is something you have to make a part of your life in the long term.

This is how you conserve energy. This is how you circulate your energy for your ACTUAL needs, rather than what your mind or someone else thinks you need.

It’s keeping it real for your body.



I really like that word. Apparently it translates to ‘Spirit’. It’s basically the vibration – the heat given off by Mojo or Qi doing its work in the body.

A healthy body that’s been doing all its functions right is warm with Shen.

Now, ‘warmth’, ‘heat’, ‘light’ – in reality all these mean FEELING.

Just as when you light a scented candle and the heat melts the wax releasing the fragrances in the wax into the air, so heat and warmth release FEELING that’s in our cells. Yes, feeling is in every cell of us and not just in our heart area or wherever. Spirit is Feeling.

A person that isn’t ‘feeling’ is in depression. Depression is the lack of Shen.

Traditionally people would wonder why a healthy person would ever be depressed.

It happens when Shen is drained.

How is Shen drained? In fact how can the heat and light from a fire be ‘taken away’ from it while it’s still burning?

It’s an illusion. A deception if you will.

Do you remember that nursery rhyme?

I’m a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out!

Now imagine you’re a tea pot.

You’ve got water boiling hot inside you and your top has been taken off, you can feel the steam rising up and out in all directions.

Now imagine you turn to your side and look at a mirror on a wall. In the mirror, you see the table, the chairs around it, the table cloth, the vase with flowers the cups all around. And there you are, a tea pot with boiling water.

You’re burning hot and the steam’s escaping. It’s the big thing happening right now.

But in the mirror, none of that shows.

And suddenly even though you’re burning, you don’t believe you’re giving off steam. Because you cannot see it in the mirror. And no one’s talking about it either. Suddenly you feel cold, drained, lost and confused.

That’s what gives the illusion of Shen or our ‘glow’ being lost.

It’s when we have a vision of ourselves limited to the physical aspects of us, but not what our lives are really about – our feelings and the feeling-emanation of all our living energy exercise.

This is why it often happens that some beautiful people cannot see their own glow, but others can. They feel drained and lost, while to others they’re an inspiration.

The key to never getting deceived about your Shen, is to learn to FEEL your own being, rather than look in mirror at your self or be dependent on the viewpoints of others about your self to develop your self image.

When you feel your own self your vision doesn’t get hogged by your physical being – how fat or thin you are, the shape of your body and so on. Your vision of yourself is more balanced and more importantly, you feel the feelings your body is carrying, that form of energy called Shen.

As a start on the journey to re-feeling your self, physical exercises that kick start your physical senses are a big help. Walking in complete darkness, or with your eyes closed, walking backward, or simply closing your eyes and feeling your heart beat ( a most powerful wonderful exercises), feeling your blood pulsing through your body, all these help.

As you develop your own rightful INNER vision of your being and learn to hold it in the face of the onslaught of those on the outside that might try and impose their vision of you on you, you nurture your Shen and develop strength and health.

The best part of all of this is,

that when your Shen is going strong, ie. your feelings are all glowing, that’s what converts Jing (the oil) to Mojo (the fire) and those who thought their Jing was all finished will find that it’s still right there.

Jing isn’t actually oil you see. It’s life energy, which by virtue of being life itself, never dies.


To sum it all up:

You can’t lose your Jing.
Use your Mojo for what it got worked up for.
Develop your own vision of yourself, instead of depending on mirrors or what others impose on you.

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