Herbal Treatments for Equine Brain and Nervous Conditions

The sensitive equine as well as the deeply experienced horse or mare will all need support in times of stress and drastic change. Herbal treatments have been used for horses almost as much as they have for humans, considering horses were the most commonly used mode of transport until the eary 1900s.

These herbal treatment recipes by Caraf Avnayt support the equine nervous system in withstanding what must be confusing, overwhelming experience, they hold up the horse through demanding times and supply the nutrition the equine system needs to heal and repair nerves and the brain itself. Some of the herbs are effective at supporting the horse in staying calm instead of panicking while others support the horse in coming to terms with new and changing situations. Herbal treatments are also reconditioning, healing, disease and cancer recovery support for horses with weak natural immunity.

Every individual treatment is personalized using a combination of homeopathic Bach Flowers which are at least (or perhaps more) important as the physical herbs themselves, because they address the underlying factors which allowed the health defect to develop in the first place.

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