Infection Fighting Ear Drops for Dogs


These ear drops for fungal infections in the dog's ears dry out the ear canal and leave a thin layer of acetic acid (from natural apple cider vinegar) a situation in which fungi cannot grow. Every time fresh water gets into the ear, the drops have to be put in again so the situation never becomes one in which fungi can grow again.

Thuja, Cider Vinegar, Alcohol with the Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple

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2 oz – 56 ml

This treatment contains herbal extracts of:
Thuja, Cider Vinegar, Alcohol

Bach Flowers are at least (or perhaps more) important as the physical herbs themselves, because they address the underlying factors which allowed the health defect to develop in the first place.

This treatment contains the Bach flower remedies:
Crab Apple

Usual Dosage:
For tiny and small dogs: 5-10 drops twice a day
For medium and large dogs: 10-20 drops twice a day

Additional information

Weight 140 g