Squamous Cell Carcinoma Herbal Oil for Cats


This herbal treatment will not lessen the effectiveness of other alternative medicines. These herbal extracts address the conditions in the cat's body that gave rise to cancer and support natural immune function and vitality.

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis), Elecampane, Papaya Leaf, Golden Seal, Wormwood and Thuja
, with Bach flowers Crab apple and Rescue Remedy

This treatment works best along with herbal treatment for Squamous Cell Carcinoma in cats.

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2 oz – 56 ml

This treatment contains herbal extracts of:
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis), Elecampane, Papaya Leaf, Golden Seal, Wormwood and Thuja

Bach Flowers are at least (or perhaps more) important as the physical herbs themselves, because they address the underlying factors which allowed the health defect to develop in the first place.

This treatment contains the Bach flower remedies:
Crab apple and Rescue Remedy

Usual Dosage:
Apply on the cancer twice daily

Additional information

Weight 120 g