Inverse Energy Field Treatment is an alternative healing method involving the use of energies from nature given through magnesium salts or charcoal powder in pure water.
Caraf Avnayt's Herbal Energy Medicine
Alternative treatment to release energy blocks and correct energy flow patterns.

Hand-Made from flowers, herbs and minerals from the Himalaya & Blue Mountains of India, specifically for each individual. Inverse energy signatures are charged into pure water and then into Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salt) for preservation upto 8 months. Dissolving one pinch of the salt in water, take 2 drops twice a day for six months continuously. Stimulates the body through the Inverse Energy Field to re-balance itself without interfering physically. Works to heal by bringing trapped emotions and memories to awareness, releasing buried tension and energy blocks.
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Caraf Avnayt's Herbal Energy Medicine
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Holistic Treatment of Nervous Exhaustion

Holistic Energy Medicine - Herb and Flower Essences Used Our nerves get exhausted when they have to work without rest. For example, when we have to be constantly alert, or when we are facing stressful situations, it means we have huge amounts of electric charge moving through the entire body and this tires the nerve cells.

Electric or energy instability in the nervous system, usually drains the endocrinal glands - the Adrenals - which play an important in stress management as they release hormones to help the body fight stressful conditions. If they receive mixed signals or are faced with a unending constant work, they get tired too and need rest to recover.

Under normal circumstances, simple rest is good enough to bring energy levels back to normal. In the case of extreme stress and obvious nervous insufficiency, coupled with depression, loss of interest in life and loss of some sense organ sensitivity (weird tastes in the mouth, unclear vision, etc); Nervous Exhaustion demonstrates an imbalance in the Energy Conversion processes of the body. In the region of the kidneys (where the Adrenal Glands are), a constant conversion of energy from sexual or growth/expansion energy to pure physical energy is always happening. This conversion is fuelled by the need to react to thirst, pleasure, pain, and the need to grow or change. It is an essential function of life, without which we would not even be able to drink when we are thirsty, enjoy tastes and so on. This conversion depends on the free flow of energy (and blood) from the spinal area to the kidneys and out from the kidneys back to the circulatory system and the adrenal glands.

To rectify the underlying Energy Field symptoms of Adrenal/ Nervous Exhaustion we need to specifically;
1) Remove Energy Blocks in the Spinal Cord Region especially in the lower back.
2) Revive free and stable energy conversion to and from the Spinal Area to the Kidneys and from the Kidneys back to the Circulatory System.

To effectively repair the damage and/or side-effects of Adrenal/ Nervous Exhaustion, and prevent the condition from recurring, or causing an imbalance in any other area of the body, Energy Medicine also performs the three basic energy field repair tasks of;
(1) releasing energy from the center of the field thus energizing the whole body and helping prevent the spread or re-occurrence of Adrenal or Nervous Exhaustion,
(2) removing blocks in the energy field so that vital energy can reach every part of the body, and
(3) releasing excess stored up energy from certain areas so they can balance and heal;
Energy Medicine specifically targets disorders in basic energy management, energy conduction, and energy conversion that give rise to Adrenal or Nervous Exhaustion. We are able to identify these by studying your unique energy field using information you give us through the online consultation form.

The composition of my Energy Medicine for Adrenal and Nervous Exhaustion is as follows:

Inverse Energy Field 1) Inverse Energy Field combination of [ Red Rose & Wheatgrass ] to energize the center and purify the energy field.
Inverse Energy Field 2) Inverse Energy Field combination of [ Chestnut & Raisin] for the grounding and balancing of strong emotional energies.
Inverse Energy Field 3) Inverse Energy Field combination of [Celery & Red Pepper] to balance the release and retention of vital energy in the body.
Inverse Energy Field 4) Inverse Energy Field combination of [Rose & Durva Grass] to soothe over-simulated endocrinal glands, and balance the production of hormones, pheromones and lipids (fat storage mechanism) in the body.
Inverse Energy Field 5) A balance of Inverse Energy Fields to balance the endocrine/hormonal glands that facilitate and balance the conversion of energy from stored vital energy (bones, skin, hair, nails) through the muscles, tendons and blood vessels, to active energy that the Brain, Nerves and Heart can use. A balance in this energy axis ensures the overall strength and immunity of the body. I choose the Inverse Energy Fields best suited to the individual's specific need.
Inverse Energy Fields (6) and (7) are combined together first before being mixed in with the other Inverse Energy Fields. These are chosen specifically for an individual and usually contain few or more of the following Inverse Energy Fields:
[Papaya] & [Thyme, Fennel, Jamun, Elder Flower, Walnut, Sugarcane, Water Melon, Garlic]

To order Standard Energy Medicine for Adrenal and Nervous Exhaustion click below.
If you have more than one conditions or a complicated case history, Prescription medicine might work better;

What is Energy Medicine? How is it prepared?
Holistic Treatment of Brain and Nervous System Conditions
How to heal and balance the Energy Field for effective and lasting Healing


What is an Inverse Field Energy Treatment?
The People behind Caraf Avnayt's Herbal Energy Medicine
Articles - Understanding how the body works with energy and emotion for holistic healing and recovery from trauma.

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