Herbs for Brain Healing & Recovery

Dear Ed, Many people have been emailing, messaging and so on asking about herbs for brain recovery. I’ve already written a lot about this in the past, but here’s a sort of summary. To heal the brain, we need to do two things. 1) Restore or keep up blood circulation to it. 2) Stabilize nervous … Read more

Anxiety Triggered Inflammation – 3 Decisive Ways to Break the Cycle

Dear Ed, Recently, the majority of inflammatory conditions I’ve been noticing have been anxiety triggered. People feel helpless, Ed, when told to “just calm down,” and “Stop being anxious.” Once you’re actually breaking out in inflammations and allergies, and putting on water weight (fluid retention), that’s already the body saying that anxiety that should be … Read more

Troublemaker Herbs to Change Life Mood

Dear Ed, Of late I’ve come across more and more people struggling with letting go of what I call “life mood” to be able to move ahead. An example of this is in how when we want to lose weight (for example) we know what we must do, but we don’t or give up at … Read more

Nervous Frequency Stability – Herbs, Holistic Attitude

The case of the raw pink pigmentation marks, diabetes, nervous system frequency; Herbs to 1) Strengthen the nervous system, 2) Repair Nerves and 3) Support Nervous Clarity; Granddad tells me how we can return to healing like our bodies healed in teenage years Dear Ed, I recently was reminded of the power of plant poisons … Read more

Frailty and Fragility Support – Butterfly Bush – Buddleja

This beautiful flower’s fragrance is most stunning in the night. It’s spicy and sweet and refreshing. When a flower sends out its fragrance at night, you know that it helps in the regenerative functions of the brain and nervous system. That means it helps repair damage to the brain and nerves that we go through … Read more

Have a Fear Free Natural Birth with Herbs

Having had a dog give birth thrice at my house before I myself had a child, taught me more about giving birth than all the books and videos on the internet, not to mention the hush-hush births I’d been around in human hospitals. Dogs approach birth without the trained tension and worry humans go through. … Read more