Rose Quartz – Recovery from Energy or Psychic Assault; Healing the Mother Wound

Dear Ed, I have lately been dissatisfied with descriptions of the energies and effects of crystals and minerals that I’ve found online. I love to hear about them as anyone would love to hear about those special spirits who have helped them from when they were little. So I have felt lonely when I find … Read more

The Human Body Makes Poisons; Apoptosis

Why the knowledge that the human body makes poisons was removed from the public consciousness; Apoptosis – the function by which the human body triggers death of cells and tissue; 3 imbalances of the function of poison making in our bodies and methods to heal Dear Ed, In recent times, we humans have been smothered … Read more

Heartless = Energy Draining; Mind games = Aging and Death

Dear Ed, It’s like this. Heartless = Energy draining Heartless interaction = energy draining Heartless entity = vampire Vampires convert our sexual energy to mental energy. That’s done by presenting something, anything, that seems to be something on the surface but only engages us mentally. To engage we have to convert basic vital energy to … Read more

The Skeleton, Crystallized Intention & a Bone Healing Method

Crystal skull

Dear Ed, Thug media has made us see our skeletal system as the most mortal part of us, because of the skeleton getting associated with death in our minds. This is incredibly damaging because it makes us subconsciously go numb to or suppress, the energy in our bones. Our bone matrix not only is literally … Read more

How the Body Really Works with Food; Frequency & Soul Acceptance

Dear Ed, It took me very long time watching my body and others’ around me to understand that we’ve been lied to about how the body works with food. You see Ed, we’ve been given the impression that when we eat something, the stomach breaks it down, and the walls of the intestines then ABSORB … Read more

Anemia – Solar Energy Cycle Block & How to Release It

The basic energy block that causes Anemia; The Inner Sun; The four frequencies at which the system vibrates; Four of the most common causes of Solar Energy cycle block Dear Ed, I have recently come across children with anemia being given the medical treatment for it. Their parents look up anemia treatments online and start … Read more